Sequoyah Autumn Argument
2019 — Canton, GA/US
Sequoyah’s Autumn Argument
Sequoyah High School
4485 Hickory Road
Canton, GA 30115
Members of the Speech and Debate Community:
The Sequoyah Speech and Debate Team would like to extend an invitation to the fifteenth annual Sequoyah Autumn Argument Speech and Debate Tournament on Saturday, November 9th, 2019.
Events Offered:
- Novice, JV, and Varsity Policy Debate
- Novice and Varsity Lincoln-Douglas
- Novice and Varsity Public Forum
- Individual Events including Program of Interpretation, Original Oratory, Dramatic Interpretation, Humorous Interpretation, Duo Interpretation, Informative Speaking, Impromptu Speaking, and Extemporaneous Speaking
New this year, middle school events! MS Big Questions Debate, MS Public Forum, MS Dramatic Performance, MS Impromptu, MS Oratory, MS Extemporaneous Speaking. Click on the event for more info or email with any questions you may have regarding these events.
Schedule for middle school events:......Registration 8am-8:30am, Round 1 - 9:00am - 10:00am, Round 2 - 10:15am - 11:15am, Lunch 11:30am - 12:30pm, Round 3 - 12:30pm - 1:30pm, Round 4 - 1:45pm - 2:45pm, and Awards: 3:30pm
Event Information:
There will be four rounds of Debate and four rounds of Individual Events. Elimination rounds will follow preliminary rounds. The number of teams entered and time constraints will determine level of break rounds in Debate events and certain Speech events.
Policy Debate will be standard 8/3/5 with 8 minutes of preparation time in each round. It is assumed that novice Policy debaters will be debating on their first resolution.
Lincoln Douglas debaters will use the November-December topic. Public Forum debaters will use the November topic.
POI, OO, Informative, DI, HI, and DUO speakers will have a total of 8-10 minutes each round to speak. Impromptu speakers will have 7 minutes altogether –up to 2 minutes prep time and up to 5 minutes speaking time. Extemporaneous speakers will have thirty minutes of prep to give a 7 minute speech.
*IE’s may double enter in other IE’s but not in PF, LD, or Policy.
All events should follow NSDA guidelines, but where NSDA and GFCA guidelines conflict, the GFCA rules for events will apply.
Breakfast items and lunch will be available for purchase in the cafeteria. As per the norm, a hospitality room will be established for coaches and judges.
We look forward to hosting you at The Autumn Argument!
Best Regards,
Matt Bartula