Rosemount Irish Invitational
2019 — Rosemount, MN/US
Rosemount is once again pleased to welcome you to our invitational tournament. We will offer policy, LD, public forum, and congress. Assuming sufficient entries, we will have novice, JV, and varsity divisions in LD and public forum. In policy, again assuming sufficient entries, we will offer packet novice, open novice, JV, and varsity divisions. We will offer three rounds of policy debate and five rounds of LD and public forum. There will be a final session of congress, but no elimination rounds in any other events.
PLEASE NOTE THIS UPDATE AS OF TUESDAY, SEPT. 17: We have reached a level of entries that has required us to secure a third site. In addition to Rosemount High School and Rosemount Middle School, it looks like we will also be using Farmington High School. We have not yet determined which event(s) will be held at Farmington, so please watch for further information and be aware that you may need to make arrangements to have your transportation go to both schools!!!
Public forum will employ the NSDA's pilot time limits (three minute summary speeches, three minutes of prep time per team). In prelim rounds, sides will be set rather than having a coin flip.
Topics will be standard: policy will use the national topic for the 2019-2020 season (the arms sales resolution), PF will use the September/October national topic (the Belt & Road resolution), novice LD will use the national novice topic (the civil disobedience resolution), and JV and varsity LD will use the September/October national topic (the standardized testing resolution). Congress legislation will be posted in advance of the tournament.
Registration will run from 7:30 am to 8:00 am. We have scheduled awards for 4:30 pm.