Georgia Southern Peach District Tournament

2019 —

Georgia Southern Peach District Qualifier

for the 2019 National Tournament
Jackson High School
Jackson, GA
Fri 3/22 Fri 3/22 HOU
IE's and Debate
Jackson High School

NSDA Georgia Southern Peach District Tournament

Jackson High School

March 22 & 23, 2019

The NSDA GA Southern Peach District committee is excited to announce that this year's district tournament will take place at Jackson High School in Jackson, GA, on March 22 & 23, 2019. Your team's attendance at this event is strongly encouraged, and we urge you to reach out to us if you have any questions or concerns.

This committee works together to encourage forensics in the schools within our district and to make the district tournament happen. If you are interested in your students attending nationals - held each year by the NSDA in June - your team MUST attend a district tournament to compete for a bid.

We are using the pilot rules for our district this year. It provides a schedule and a tournament format. It is going to REQUIRE that each school provide the judges to make it work. I am already diligently working to hire judges. Even with the effort to hire we will need your judges to make this work! Schools will have option to double enter students.

Student of the year is selected by a committee. If you are interested in nominating someone for SOY, please email the nomination to

Pam Childress will accept nomination for the following awards:

New Coach of the Year

Assistant Coach of the Year

Coach of the Year

Administrator of the Year

Volunteer of the Year

*These nominations must be received by March 11, 2019

Even if you or your students are not interested in going to the national tournament, the district tournaments are - at the very least - another opportunity for your students to compete! In addition to that, the more students who attend districts means the more students we can send to the national tournament, so by choosing to attend, you are choosing to give more Georgia students this once in a lifetime opportunity. For all of the aforementioned reasons, we strongly encourage everyone in the GA Southern Peach District to attend this year's tournament Jackson High School and help us help a student's dream of nationals come to fruition.

In order to be eligible to attend the district tournament, the first thing a team must do is enter speaking points into the NSDA points system. For every tournament your students attend, for every round they speak at that event, students earn speaking points and can move up in the various honor degrees the NSDA offers. The NSDA is like a national honor society for public speaking, and it is a great honor to be a member of - and hold a high degree from - the National Speech and Debate Association. Do not hesitate to reach out to any one of your district committee members if you have any questions about how to do this.

In closing, I hope you will attend this year's district tournament at Jackson High School.