The Paradigm at Dowling Catholic
2018 — Des Moines, IA/US
You are cordially invited to attend the Dowling Catholic Paradigm December 8-10, 2017. This tournament is the largest in the state of Iowa and features competition in all speech and debate events. Every year the tournament grows and attracts competitors from outside the state and region. We are extremely excited about the attendance of schools for this year's tournament and hope that you attend.
WE HAVE IT ALL – NSDA Main Events, some IHSSA Speech Events, TOC Bids, and more!
The tournament features a QUARTER-FINALS bid in Policy Debate,
A FINALS bid in LD Debate
A QUARTERFINALS bid in Public Forum to the Tournament of Champions.
University of Kentucky TOC Speech Bid Tournament.
A bid tournament for the Extemp TOC.
Additionally, in speech, we are excited to continue hosting Prose, Poetry, Spontaneous Speaking, and Acting (IHSSA Festival Events) as well as POI and Informative.
Students have the opportunity to compete against some of the finest competitors in the country regardless of the event they enter. Annually students who attend our tournament are in semi-finals and finals of the NSDA Speech tournament and we have had attendees of the Dowling Catholic Paradigm go onto win NSDA Nationals or place in the top six in debate events. The tournament is truly a worthwhile learning opportunity for any student.
The coaches, parents and students of the Dowling Catholic Speech and Debate program are looking forward to the 16th annual Dowling Catholic Paradigm. Please click on the full tournament invite to find complete details for this year's Paradigm.
Timothy E. Sheaff
Director of Forensics