Galentine Memorial Tournament at the University of Washington

2016 — Seattle, WA, WA/US
Field in Open Extemporaneous Speaking
10 entries
Institution Location Entry Code
Bothell WA/US Olivia Meyer Bothell OM
Bothell WA/US Tyler Detert Bothell TD
Bothell WA/US Wil Misierek Bothell WM
Gig Harbor WA/US Erica Peres-Verratti Gig Harbor EP
Interlake WA/US Effie Zheng Interlake EZ
Interlake WA/US Joshua Ip Interlake JI
Interlake WA/US Sanjana Janakiraman Interlake SJ
Redmond WA/US Owen Lyon-Smith Redmond OL
Wesley CN/CA James Li Wesley JL
Wesley CN/CA Neil Shen Wesley NS