December LD JH Tournament as ALA
2024 — Spanish Fork, UT/US
Lincoln Douglas
Event Description:
Speaker points between 25-30 please. You can leave and save comments for each individual separately and then comments to team as a whole. Please make sure to leave something. You should enter your decision first and then you can update or put in comments later if needed or type as you go.
In this one-on-one format, students debate a topic provided by the National Speech & Debate Association. Students may consult evidence gathered prior to the debate but may not use the internet in round. An entire debate is roughly 45 minutes and consists of constructive speeches, rebuttals, and cross-examination.
Lincoln-Douglas Debate typically appeals to individuals who like to debate, but prefer a one-on-one format as opposed to a team or group setting. Additionally, individuals who enjoy LD like exploring questions of how society ought to be. Many people refer to LD Debate as a “values” debate, as questions of morality and justice are commonly examined. Students prepare cases and then engage in an exchange of cross-examinations and rebuttals in an attempt to convince a judge that s/he is the better debater in the round.
Speech Time Limits
Affirmative Constructive 6 minutes-Present the affirmative case
Negative Cross-Examination 3 minutes-Negative asks questions of the affirmative
Negative Constructive 7 minutes-Present the negative case and refute the affirmative case
Affirmative Cross-Examination 3 minutes-Affirmative asks questions of the negative
First Affirmative Rebuttal 4 minutes-Refute the negative case and rebuild the affirmative case
Negative Rebuttal 6 minutes-Refute the affirmative case, rebuild the negative case, and offer reasons that negative should win the round, commonly referred to as voting issues.
2nd Affirmative Rebuttal 3 minutes-Address negative voting issues and offer reasons for why the affirmative should win.
*Each debater is also entitled to four minutes of prep time during the round.