2019 — Lexington, KY/US

Ad Game

Abbreviation ADG
Format Speech
Entry Fee $7.00
Entry 1 competitors per entry

Event Description:

The Ad Game: A Mixed Improv Group Competition

Students who compete in this event will be placed in a group comprised of four other students from different schools. Student will stay in this group for the entire competition. Groups will be created so that there is maximum diversity in terms of number of schools in the group.

Each group will draw a slip of paper from Pile A and a slip from Pile B.
Pile A will consist of ordinary items (toothbrush, car jack, phone, etc.)
B will consist of “special properties” (forces you to tell the truth, allows you to see into the future, etc.).

Pile A and Pile B are then combined into a product for which the group will then develop an advertising campaign.

Once the group has it’s product (a toothbrush that forces you to tell the truth), members will need to brainstorm an ad campaign that includes the following:
name of the product
tagline for the product
spokesperson for the product
a jingle/song for the product

Once these elements have been decided, the group combines them all in a commercial for the product.

Group members must use the key rule of improv: “Yes, And…” This means that every idea offered by a member is enthusiastically embraced and agreed on with a “Yes!” and then followed immediately by someone else adding to that idea/developing it further with the “And….”

Groups will be judged on their ability to include everyone in the group, use of “Yes, And…”, and how well the individual elements of the ad campaign are integrated into the final commercial.

Groups will have a total of five minutes. They can use paper and pen to keep notes, and can use any chairs and tables in the room. The commercial itself should not run more than :45 seconds of the total five minutes.

Awards will be given to the top six groups at the awards banquet. This event will not count toward team sweepstakes.