Golden Desert Debate Tournament at UNLV

2019 — Las Vegas, NV/US

Congressional Debate

Abbreviation Cong
Format Congress
Entry Fee $55.00
Overall Entry Limit 120
Entry Limit Per School 8
Entry 1 competitors per entry

Event Description:

Important Dates:

1. Submit legislation to by Thursday, January 24, 2019 at 5:00 pm PST.
2. Congressional Debate entries are frozen on Friday, January 25, 2019 at 5:00pm.
3. Chamber assignments and legislation will be posted on January 25th.

Saturday, February 2

8:30am-9:00am Mandatory Judges Meeting (competitors are also welcome so they can hear what instructions judges are being given)

9:00-9:15am Mandatory Competitor Meeting

9:15-9:45am Committee

9:45-11:45am Session 1

11:45-1:15pm Lunch

1:00pm Judges Report back to Congress tab

1:15-3:15pm Session 2

3:45pm Judges Report back to Congress tab

4:00-6:00pm Session 3

By 7:30pm Semifinalists announced on

Out rounds judge pools announced on

Sunday, February 3

9:00am Mandatory Judges Meeting

9:00-9:30am Committee

9:30-12:00pm Semi-supersession*

12:00pm-1:30pm Lunch

Finalists announced ASAP

1:15pm Judges report back to judges lounge

1:30-2:00pm Committee/ Final scenario announced

2:00-4:30pm Supersession
Awards ASAP

*Semi-supersession is tentative and dependent on the total number of entries. If entries do not warrant, we will solely have supersession of 16 competitors.