Damus Hollywood Invitational and USC Round Robin

2017 — Sherman Oaks, CA/US


Abbreviation USCRR
Format Debate
Entry Fee $200.00
Overall Entry Limit 16
Entry Limit Per School 1
Entry 2 competitors per entry

Event Description:

USC Round Robin


We invite you to apply to the USC Round Robin.  We are offering the opportunity for high-quality competition for up to 16 teams on November 2-3, 2017. Teams are then encouraged to stay and compete at the Damus Hollywood Invitational at Notre Dame High School from November 4-6, 2017.



We will be dividing teams into two pods. Each pod will debate against a balanced schedule of seven preliminary debates with the top team from each pod advancing to a final elimination round. There will be two judges per preliminary round and three to five judges for the final round.



We ask that each team bring one judge per team. We will do our best to keep judging commitments modest with substantial judging from the USC Debate squad, staff and LA debate community.



All competitors are invited to stay at the Radisson hotel next to USC’s campus. On each day of the round robin, one pod will be debating on campus and one pod will be debating in conference rooms at the Radisson. The pods will switch locations the next day.  Further hotel information can be found on the website under the “Hotels” tab.



$200 per team


Basic Schedule

Thursday, November 2nd

Round 1        9:00 am

Round 2        11:15 am


Round 3        2:30 pm

Round 4        5:00 pm



Friday, November 3rd

Round 5        9:00 am

Round 6        11:15 am


Round 7        2:30 pm      

Final Round 5:30 pm

Shuttles to Marriott Courtyard Sherman Oaks Hotel        (If Necessary)