SCU Spring Philalethic Invitational

2016 — CA/US

Public Forum March Open

Abbreviation PF V
Format Debate
Entry Fee $60.00
Overall Entry Limit 32
Entry Limit Per School 4
Entry Teams of between 2 and 3 competitors

Event Description:


Go to the room listed on top of this ballot. * Before the round starts, tell the debaters what prior judging experience you have.

Do not interrupt any speech or give comments before the round is over. * Do not leave the room during the round.

Do not consult with anyone else while making your decision. * Please write down all arguments made by the debaters.



-Computers and printed evidence/materials can be used in round.

-Sides are assigned; Aff speaks first

-RESOLUTION: Resolved: The United States should withdraw its military presence from Okinawa.

-Crossfire: Both teams ask each other questions. IN the grand crossfire after the 6th speech, all four debaters participate and remain seated.

--Please Assign speaker points from 24.0 to 30.0 in TENTH point increments using the scale below. DO NOT Tie speakers.

If you encounter a problem, please call [Tournament Help Number]