Dighton Rehoboth Fall Festival
2015 — MA/US
Novice Reading
Event Description:
This event is limited to first year forensic competitors ONLY and requires the use of a manuscript. The student will present material either from prose, poetry, or drama. Children?s literature is acceptable in this category. The student may use vocal skills, facial expressions, and/or hand gestures to develop a narrator and character/s. The presentation should include an introduction that cites the name of the piece and the author. The selection must be from a single published play, a fictional or non-fictional work, or a poem. Material from more than one source is not allowed. The author?s words as published in the literature may not be altered for this presentation with the exception that cutting is permitted. No costumes or props may be used in the presentation.
Time: 10 minute maximum, including introduction (30 second grace); no minimum
Students may only enter Novice Reading if they meet the MFL criteria for novice status. Students who advance to finals in Novice Reading twice at MFL tournaments may not enter Novice Reading again until the State Tournament.