PHSSL Districts 1 2 3 16 Qualifier

2024 — Pittsburgh, PA/US


Abbreviation PF
Format Debate
Entry Fee $14.00
Entry Limit Per School 2
Entry 2 competitors per entry

Event Description:

In the District and State Tournaments, the format shall be as follows:
First Speaker – Affirmative 4 minutes
First Speaker – Negative 4 minutes
Crossfire 3 minutes
Second Speaker – Affirmative 4 minutes
Second Speaker – Negative 4 minutes
Crossfire 3 minutes
Summary – First Speaker – Affirmative 2 minutes
Summary – First Speaker – Negative 2 minutes
Grand Crossfire 3 minutes
Final Focus – Second Speaker – Affirmative 2 minutes
Final Focus – Second Speaker – Negative 2 minutes

- Each team will have a total of 2 minutes of preparation time throughout the debate.

- In each Crossfire, the first question must be asked by the speaker who spoke first. After that question, either debater may question and/or answer at will.

- In the Grand Crossfire, the first question must be asked by the speaker who gave the first summary speech. After that question, any of the debaters may question and/or answer at will.