Highland Mega Novice Ram Jam Slam

2023 — Salt Lake City, UT/US

Extemporaneous (Nat'l/Foreign)

Abbreviation Extemp
Format Speech
Entry Fee $4.00
Entry 1 competitors per entry

Event Description:

National (Domestic)

1. Twenty years after 9/11, is America safer?
2. Should organized labor support President Biden’s vaccine mandate?
3. Are mandates or incentives the best way to get more Americans vaccinated against COVID-19?
4. After Afghanistan, what changes does the U.S. need to make to its counter-terrorism policies?

5. Why has critical race theory become an explosive issue at school board meetings?
6. Would it be wise to significantly increase the capital-gains tax?
7. Should the U.S. impose tariffs on Chinese industries that receive subsidies?

8. Did the United States lose its war in Afghanistan?

9. Does the U.S. need new federal legislation on voting rights?

10. How can independent contractors, like Uber and Lyft drivers, be better protected in today’s economy?

11. How should cities address the public sanitation problems caused by homelessness?

12. Should school mask policies be made at the local, state, or federal level?

13. Should the House pass the Senate’s $1 trillion infrastructure bill?

14. Will the crisis in Afghanistan bring change to U.S. refugee policy?

15. Will climate change redistribute the population of the United States?

International (Foreign)

1. Has China successfully weaponized capitalism against the West?
2. Are North Korea’s recent military activities a sign of strength or weakness?
3. Is the world less safe since 9/11?
4. Does Naftali Bennett have the political strength to bring change to Israel?
5. What impact will the coup in Guinea have on global commodity prices?
6. Can Najib Mikati fix Lebanon?
7. How can international organizations best help Haiti?
8. Who should the UN recognize as Myanmar’s representative?
9. Is Russia successfully isolating Ukraine?
10. Should Uruguay make a new trade deal with China?

11.Does Mexico’s lawsuit against American gun makers have merit?

12. Is Jair Bolsonaro a threat to democracy in Brazil?

13. What is the significance of Hakainde Hichilema’s presidential election in Zambia?

14. Is there an end in sight to Ethiopia’s war in Tigray?

15. What does the future hold for the women of Afghanistan under Taliban rule?