Seattle University High School Speech and Debate Tournament

2023 — NSDA Campus, WA/US

Junior World School Debate

Abbreviation JWSD
Format World Schools Debate
Entry Fee $30.00
Entry Teams of between 2 and 5 competitors

Event Description:

World Schools Debate: We offer Junior and Open divisions of World Schools Debate. Rounds will follow NSDA
World Schools format with two teams, proposition and opposition, with up to 5 debaters on each team but only 3
can participate in a specific debate round (all 5 may help in preparation but only the 3 debating can communicate
with each other during the actual round). Each debater gives an 8 minute constructive speech and the 1st or 2nd
speaker also gives a fourth “reply” speech of 4 minutes. The first and last minute of each speech is protected time
when no questions can be asked. During unprotected time, the opposing team can request questions, but the
speaker is not required to take any questions (but strategically, should take some). The side with the strongest
argument wins the debate. We will have three prepared topics announced by December 15 before the
tournament (one used in Rounds 1 & 2 and one used in Rounds 3 & 4 and one used in Round 5).