Jack Howe Memorial Tournament

2021 — Online, CA/US

World School Debate

Abbreviation WSD
Format World Schools Debate
Entry Fee $70.00
Overall Entry Limit 40
Entry Limit Per School 3
Entry Teams of between 3 and 5 competitors

Event Description:

Thank you for participating in World Schools Debate at the Jack Howe Invitational. This event will be held as a supplemental event starting Sunday at 1:00 pm. There will be 3 preliminary rounds followed by a final round. The preliminary rounds will use prepared motions and the final round will use an impromptu motion. Round 1 and 2 will have the same topic and have teams debate both sides of the resolution between the 2 rounds. The tournament will follow NSDA World Schools Debate Rules and Regulations. (https://www.speechanddebate.org/wp-content/uploads/USWSDI-Manual-2018-2019.pdf ) Teams will require 3 to 5 participants from the same institution. Teams should register their World Schools debate teams on Tabroom.com prior to the beginning of the tournament. Teams will be able to re register the specific individuals participating on their school’s World Schools debate teams once debate breaks are announced on Sunday. Specific World Schools Debate related questions can be directed to mmurray319@gmail.com .

All the best,

Michael Murray


Round 1:This House believes predictive policing is unjust.

Round 2:This House believes predictive policing is unjust. (Flip sides)

Round 3: This House would prioritize environmental protection over economic growth

Finals: Impromptu




USA World School Debate Invitational Manual/ Debate Rules/Procedures/ Protocols: https://www.speechanddebate.org/wp-content/uploads/USWSDI-Manual-2018-2019.pdf

World Schools Debate Instructional Video: https://www.speechanddebate.org/introduction-to-world-schools-debate/

Introduction to World Schools Debate Format: http://www.esu.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/Introduction-to-World-Schools-format-guide.pdf

World Schools Debate Sample Case: http://www.mpsaz.org/mtnview/staff/mmhowellhaym/honors9eng/debate/files/-userdocs-publicdocs-wsd-samplecase-thwnegwter_1.pdf