Big 8 Forensics Conference Tournament

2021 — Online, WI/US

Original Oratory

Abbreviation OO
Format Speech
Entry Fee $0.00
Entry 1 competitors per entry

Event Description:

Purpose of the Category

To develop skill in composing and presenting a formal speech on a significant topic.

Definition of the Category

An oration is expected to be a thoroughly prepared, well-composed, persuasive speech on a topic of significance to general society. A good oration is characterized by vivid and forceful language and appropriate stylistic devices such as metaphor, comparison/contrast, irony, etc. Thoughtfulness in the choice of and approach to the topic and the quality of supporting materials is a necessary part of the good oration.


1. The speech must be the original work of the participant, fulfilling its persuasive challenge in one of three ways: 1) by alerting the audience to the existence of a problem; 2) by affirming the existence of a problem and offering a solution; 3) by urging the adoption of a policy.

2. Properties or visual aids are not permitted.

3. Notes are not permitted.

4. Vocal music, if used, should be incidental and not overwhelm the presentation.

5. Maximum time limit: 10 minutes, with an allowable 15-second grace period. There is no minimum time requirement. Any entry exceeding the grace period may not be ranked first in the round. If all entries in a round exceed the grace period, no first rank shall be given in that round.

Criteria for Evaluation

1. The extent to which the content (a) reflected a worthwhile topic, and (b) provided quality modes of support materials, including analysis, reasoning and factual information.

2. The extent to which organizational structure was both clear and effective.

3. The extent to which clear and compelling language and effective stylistic devices were used appropriately. Individual judges may lower the rank due to use of profanity or vulgarity.

4. The extent to which the vocal presentation was clear and appropriate to the subject including such items as articulation, pronunciation, volume, rate, pitch and voice quality.

5. The extent to which the physical presence contributed to the clarity and effectiveness of the presentation, including such items as facial expression, eye contact, gestures and bodily movement.