Appalachian Speech and Debate Championship

2021 — NSDA Campus, WV/US


Abbreviation DEC
Format Speech
Entry Fee $10.00
Entry 1 competitors per entry

Event Description:


1. Time limit including introduction is a minimum of five minutes and a maximum of ten minutes with a thirty second grace. A contestant who does not fall within the time limit cannot be ranked first in the round.

2. This event is the presentation of a speech that was written and performed by another person. 3. This speech must be published.

4. For the WVSDA Novice tournament only, the speaker may use a file card of no more than fifty words (Rule change June 2010). At any WVSDA tournament other than the Novice tournament, the speech is to be memorized. No manuscripts or prompting may be used at any WVSDA tournament.

5. This event is open to 9th and 10th grade students only.

6. An introduction must be prepared and must include the author, occasion on which the original speech was delivered, and the source of publication.

7. Material should be chosen which is appropriate to the speaker.

8. No visual aids are permitted.

9. The source of the declamation speech must be made available to the tournament director upon request. If the requested material cannot be provided, or if the source is questionable or not credible, the student cannot advance or receive an award.

10. The student may not use material that he or she has used in a previous year.