ShenVaFL 4 Online Forensics

2021 — NSDA Campus, VA/US

Original Oratory

Abbreviation OO
Format Speech
Entry Fee $0.00
Entry 1 competitors per entry

Event Description:

Each student writes an original speech in advance of the competition. It should not exceed 10 minutes in length. The speech should be persuasive or motivational in nature, trying to convince the audience to do something or think of something in a different fashion. Delivery should be fluid and natural. Gestures that enhance the speech are encouraged. Walking is permitted but should enhance rather than distract from the speech. Podiums are not permitted. The speaker may use the front and back of two notecards not exceeding 4” x 6” in size. There is a 30 second grace period. If the student goes over 10:30, he or she may not be ranked 1st in the round.