BGJHS Christmas Senior Virtual Tournament

2020 — Online, KY/US

Senior - Program Oral Interpretation

Abbreviation S-POI
Format Speech
Entry Fee $6.00
Entry 1 competitors per entry

Event Description:

PROGRAM ORAL INTERPRETATION—Senior Division (2020-2021)

Judge Instructions

Rules Summary

  1. In this event, each student delivers a program of thematically-linked selections of literary merit, chosen from two or more genres of literature and writing (most common will be readings from Prose, Poetry, and Drama). A substantial portion of the total time must be devoted to each of the genres used in the program.
  2. The maximum time limit is 10 minutes, including an original introduction and/or transitions. There is a thirty second grace period, after which the student must be dropped in rank/rating. Time signals may be given at the request of the competitor. No violation of the grace period in Regional/State Quarterfinal, Semifinal, or Final rounds may result in disqualification. No performance violating the grace period may receive ‘1’ in the round.
  3. Different genre means that material must appear in separate pieces of literature and/or writing (e.g. A poem included in a short story that appears only in the short story does not constitute a poetry genre). The introduction (and transitions when used) should provide adequate background for the reading as a whole and for the individual selections as needed in order to relate them to the whole. Genres should be understood fairly broadly. Non-fiction, advertising copy, and other sources are valid and legitimate—how they are used will determine the effectiveness of the Program. The Program as a whole should have a unifying theme or message. Pieces within the Program may be cut into smaller passages interspersed with passages from other selections.
  4. The performer may use single or multiple characters to animate and assist the interpretation. A manuscript must be used and referred to. The manuscript may be used as a property.
  5. The introduction (and transitions when used) should provide adequate background for the reading as a whole and for the individual selections as needed in order to relate them to the whole.
  6. Blocking is allowed for this event. Performers are NOT required to keep their feet stationary as they perform. Blocking is movement in a performance that can be expressive in nature, symbolizing how a character is feeling emotionally, while at other times blocking denotes events that are occurring in the imagined space. The movement should always be motivated by elements in the text. Movement for the sake of movement is not necessary. Performers may, without penalty, choose to remain stationary or have limited foot movement and choose instead to emphasize vocal or nonverbal forms of communication including facial gestures, facial expressions, posture, and eye contact. All performance choices should serve to enhance the overall interpretation of the selection, not just demonstrate movement capabilities. There are no properties other than the manuscript.

Judge Guidelines

  1. The introduction should prepare the listener for the selection(s).
  2. The suitability of the material to the maturity level of the performer should be considered.
  3. Projection, diction, and flexibility of voice are important to the student's interpretation. Multiple character voices may be used.
  4. The plot structure, conflict, mood, and characterization should be effectively and intentionally delivered and portrayed during the performance
  5. Base your decision on the performance, not on your taste in genre or topic.

Criteria for Judging

  1. Introduction of Selection

Did the student provide necessary information to prepare the audience to listen? Did the student establish the mood and/or meaning of the selection?

  1. Presentation of Selection

Was the student in control of the performance and the audience? Was there an empathic response? Did the student develop posture, muscle tone, facial expression, and limited gestures appropriate to the selection? Did the student demonstrate good vocal technique? Did the competitor use their voice effectively?

  1. Overall Effectiveness

Is the selected material suitable for the maturity level of the student? Did the student exhibit by performance an understanding of what was being interpreted?