10 Tournaments

in Virginia
Dates Tournament City LO/TZ Type Registration Judge Signups
12/5 TFL December Virginia Beach VA P Closed
12/14 WACFL 3 Mega Monster Everything Everywhere All At Once Online NSDA Campus EST O Due 12/10 9:00 PM EST
12/14 Crimson Wave Holiday Invitational Petersburg VA P Due 12/9 5:00 PM EST
12/14 University of Lynchburg Snowball Speech and Debate Tournament Lynchburg VA P Due 12/10 5:00 PM EST
12/19 ShenVaFL 3 Harrisonburg VA P Due 12/13 5:30 PM EST
1/4 NOVA Round Robin Mclean VA P Due 12/20 1:00 PM EST
1/9 TFL January Virginia Beach VA P Due 1/6 11:55 PM EST
1/17 - 1/18 Cosby 9th Annual Clash of the Titans Midlothian VA P Open 12/17 12:00 PM EST
1/14 SWVaFL 4 Roanoke VA P Open 1/2 8:00 AM EST
2/7 - 2/8 NSDA: Virginia Congress, Debate, and IE Midlothian VA P Open 1/7