Wildcat Classic

2020 — NSDA Campus, MO/US

Virtual Tournament Procedures

1. Please review Tabroom manual here: http://docs.tabroom.com/Main_Page.

2. Please review NSDA Campus Manual here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hej13hqfKmSHEVDYU-rc6UiVlaK0xbp6uGgwBHtSXIQ/edit.

3. Register and link all tournament participants in Tabroom using these instructions: https://www.speechanddebate.org/creating-linking-account-tabroom/.

4. Please have students upload all asynch video performances by the end of the day on Thursday, October 1st.

5. We will be going by the MSHSAA Adopted Revisions for Virtual Competition document released by MSHSAA (i.e., pilot internet rules, extended prep time for debate, etc.). 

6. Submitted asynch competition videos should be "one take" with no editing or post-production and should follow all other MSHSAA Asynch Recording guidelines.

7. Please have all participants use Google Chrome as per NSDA Campus guidance.

8. Please have debaters check in 30 minutes prior to the round when possible. Tournament staff will be monitoring each room.

9. Duo Interpretation recordings must be split screen.

10. Extemp Procedures:

a. We are requesting students to record one speech per preliminary round plus one semifinals speech and one finals speech. Only contestants breaking to semifinals and finals will be considered.

b. Rather than submitting a video link, please have each student participant create a google folder and submit a link to that folder when entering the competitor on Tabroom. In that folder, please have Round 1, Round 2, Semifinals, and Finals videos clearly labeled. Our Tabroom ballots have been updated with instructions and our judges have been instructed to only view the appropriate video for the round they have been assigned to judge.

c. Extemp questions will be sent out to all invited coaches by Friday, September 18th. As a coach, we are requesting that you administer draw fairly to all participants (i.e., blindly draw three questions, choose one, and record a performance 30 minutes after).

d. Submitted competition videos should be "one take" with no editing or post-production and should follow all other MSHSAA Asynch Recording guidelines.

e. Please have contestants submit all videos by the asynch video deadline which is Thursday, October 1st.

11. Congress Procedures:

a. We are requesting students to record one speech per preliminary round plus one supersession speech. Only contestants breaking to supersession will be considered.

b. Rather than submitting a video link, please have each student participant create a google folder with Round 1, Round 2, and Super Session videos clearly labeled. Our Tabroom ballots have been updated with instructions and our judges have been instructed to only view the appropriate video for the round they have been assigned to judge.

c. Congress legislation will be included in the invite. We are using the NSDA September 2020 Congress Legislation Packet. As a coach, we are requesting that you assign students one piece of legislation and side per round according to the following constraints:

i. Round 1: Choose from Legislation #1, #2, #3 Only

ii. Round 2: Choose from Legislation #4, #5, #6 Only

iii. Super Session: Choose from Legislation #7, #8, #9, #10 Only

d. Submitted competition videos should be "one take" with no editing or post-production and should follow all other MSHSAA Asynch Recording guidelines. 

e. Please have contestants submit all videos by the asynch video deadline which is Thursday, October 1st.