GDSDA Novice Only Legacy HS

2019 — North Las Vegas, NV/US


A Bill to Make Voting Mandatory for All Eligible U.S. Citizens



2 SECTION 1. Congress shall pass a bill to make voting mandatory for all eligible citizens, and 

3 declare the first Saturday after the first Monday of November National Voting 

4 Day, and implement it as a national holiday. 

5 SECTION 2. Eligible U.S. citizens are defined as US Citizens, whether by birth or 

6 naturalization, who are 18 years old or older as of the day of an election. 

7 SECTION 3. A. A 100 dollar fine shall be levied on all eligible U.S. citizens who do not have 

8 an exemption from the law. 

9 B. This fine will be administered by the Internal Revenue Service. 

10 C. Citizens with religious beliefs in conflict with this bill shall be exempt from 

11 mandatory voting. 

12 SECTION 4. This bill shall take effect January 1, 2020.

A Resolution to Condemn the Use of Deadly Force in Cases of “Stand Your Ground” Laws


1 WHEREAS, the following states have implemented stand your ground laws: Alabama, Alaska, 

2 Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, 

3 Mississippi, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Oklahoma, 

4 Pennsylvania South Carolina, south Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, and West 

5 Virginia; and 

6 WHEREAS, the current law states; the person defending themselves does not have a duty to 

7 retreat from the situation before using some type of deadly force to prevent harm. 

8 This law is not just limited to their own home or property and can be in public 

9 place as well; and 

10 WHEREAS, the citizens perceived threats may harm or put a non-threatening citizen in harm’s 

11 way causing a loss of life to an innocent civilian; now, therefore be it 

12 RESOLVED, That the Student Congress here assembled calls for the use of lethal force in the 

13 stand your ground law to be repealed.

A Bill to Reduce Gasoline Taxes



2 SECTION 1. Gasoline taxes will be reduced to make gasoline more affordable for consumers. 

3 SECTION 2. A. Taxes will be defined as federal gasoline taxes. 

4 B. The tax on gasoline will be reduced to ten cents per gallon. 

5 SECTION 3. A. The Department of Transportation shall be responsible for enforcing the 

6 provisions of this bill. 

7 SECTION 4. The provisions of this bill shall take effect January 1, 2020. 

8 SECTION 5. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.

A Resolution to Prioritize NASA


1 WHEREAS, Federally mandated space exploration has taken a backseat in recent years; and 

2 WHEREAS, Numerous advancements and competitors have arisen; and 

3 WHEREAS, This has given the appearance of inability of the US federal government to its 

4 people; now, therefore, be it 

5 RESOLVED, That the Student Congress here assembled demands an increase in prioritization 


6 of NASA.