Western JV Novice Championship

2022 — Oakland, CA/US

Judge Requirements

Judging Quota

You must provide one qualified judge for every two Policy teams (or 3 rounds per team/5 rounds for 2 teams)

You must provide one qualified judge for every three LD entries (or 2 rounds per entry/5 rounds for 3).

You must provide one qualified judge for every three PF entries (or two rounds per entry/5 rounds for 3). 

Judging Qualifications

In keeping with the educational purpose of this event, schools are expected to provide qualified judges to cover their entries. The measure of a qualified judge is that individual’s ability to provide the debaters with a positive educational experience. Judges are expected to be able to explain their decisions to the debaters (in writing on the ballot or as an oral critique).

Judges should have experience as a coach and/or competitor in order to be able to provide valuable comments to the debaters. Very experienced varsity high school debaters in their junior or senior year are ideal judges. All judges are expected to comport themselves so as to provide a positive and educational experience for the debaters. All judges, including student judges, should have philosophies posted on tabroom.com.

If you cannot provide qualified judges to cover your entry, you may hire judges from the tournament. This will provide the best learning experience for the participants.

Failing to meet this standard will result in removal of judges from the judging pool. You will then need to choose between dropping entries or hiring judges from the tournament. If the tournament has no additional hired judges available, you will need to drop your uncovered entries.