Pine Richland National Invitational

2021 — Gibsonia, PA/US

Social Distancing & Masking Policy

Competitors can be in the same room as long as there are no State restrictions barring in-person school sports and extracurriculars at the time of the taping/performing, however your State masking and distancing guidelines must be followed. Violation of State safety guidelines is grounds for disqualification. Any violations brought forth will be investigated and dealt with accordingly.


For our fellow PA schools, PA State masking orders are outlined here. Particularly of note is Section 2A and 2B which state:

“every individual, age two and older, in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania shall wear a face covering when:

A. Indoors or in an enclosed space, where another person or persons who are not members of the individual’s household are present in the same space, irrespective of physical distance.

B. Outdoors with others who are not members of a person’s household and unable to maintain sustained physical distance.”


While it’s certainly not ideal to perform with masks on, we truly appreciate everyone’s efforts to ensure that Forensics can continue safely during the pandemic.