GGSA State Quals
2023 — Union City, CA/US
Policy Paradigm List
All Paradigms: Show HidePronouns: He/Him/His
I'd really appreciate a card doc at the end of the round.
About me
Debated in policy for four years at Damien High School in La Verne, CA. I placed pretty well at some national tournaments and received some speaker awards along the way. I have worked as a judge and staff member at the Cal National Debate Institute. I was a consultant/judge for College Prep, and this is my first year as an assistant coach for College Prep.
I mostly think about debate like her. If you like the way she thinks then I probably think the same way.
Top Level
**** I will try my hardest to flow without looking at my computer so I suggest debating as if I have no reference to what is being read. Clarity is much more important than unchecked speed ****
Debate is a competition, but education seems to be the most intrinsic benefit to the round taking place. I believe that debates centered around the resolution are the best, but that can mean many different things. Debate is also a communicative activity so the first thing that should be prioritized by all the substance is the ability to clearly convey an argument instead of relying on the structure and tricky nature of policy debate.
The most important thing for me as a judge is seeing line-by-line debating instead of relying upon pre-written blocks. Drops happen and that is debate, but what I most hate to see are students reading off their laptops instead of making compelling indicts of their opponents' arguments off the top of their heads. Debate requires some reaction to unexpected things but I think that it enhances critical thinking and research skills.
When it comes to content, I sincerely do not have any big leans toward any type of argument. Just come to the round with a well-researched strategy and I will be happy to hear it. My only non-starters are arguments that promote interpersonal violence, prejudice toward any group of people, or danger toward anyone in the round. If those arguments are made, the offending team will lose, receive a 0 for speaker points, and I will speak with their coach. The safety of students is the number one priority in an academic space such as debate.
Thoughts on Specific Arguments Below:
Disadvantages: Impact calculus and Turns case/Turns the DA at the top, please. These debates are won and lost with who is doing the most comparison. Don't just extend arguments and expect me to just clean it up for you. I like politics DAs, but I want more comparisons of whose evidence is better and more predictive instead of just dumping cards without any framing arguments. Go for the straight turn. I love bold decisions that are backed up by good cards.
Counter plans: I am all about good counterplan strategies that have great solvency evidence and finesse. I have grown tired of all the nonsense process, agent, and consult counter plans, and while I will vote for them, I prefer to hear one that is well-researched and actually has a solvency advocate for the aff. Regarding theory, most violations are reasons to justify a permutation or to lower thresholds for solvency deficits, not voters. Consult CPs are however the most sketchy for me, and I can be convinced to vote against them given good debating.
Topicality: Love these debates, but sometimes people get bogged down by the minutiae of the flow that they forget to extend an impact. Treating T like a disad is the best way to describe how I like teams to go for it. Please give a case list and/or examples of ground loss. Comparison of interpretations is important. I think that the intent to exclude is more important than the intent to define, but this is only marginal.
Kritiks: Over time I have become more understanding of critical arguments and I enjoy these debates a lot. The alternative is the hardest thing to wrap my head around, but I have voted for undercovered alternatives many times. I think that the more specific link should always be extended over something generic. Extending links is not enough in high-level rounds, you have to impact out the link in the context of the aff and why each piece of link offense outweighs the risk of the aff internal link. I prefer that the negative answer the aff in these rounds, but I do not think it is impossible to win without case defense. The only thing that matters is winning the right framework offense.
Planless Affs: Performance 1ACs are great but there has to be an offensive reason for the performance. I won't vote on a dropped performance if there is no reason why it mattered in the first place. I prefer that these affs are in the direction of the topic, but if there is a reason why only being responsive to the resolution matters, then I am fine with it not being so. Framework is a good strategy, but I don't like voting on fairness, because I don't believe that it is a terminal impact. I believe that having a fair division of labor is important, but not because debate is a game. Debate has intrinsic educational value and both teams should be debating over how they access a better model of the activity. For the negative, I like it when teams just answer the aff method and clash over the effectiveness of the 1AC.
Conditionality: I think that up to 3 advocacies are fine for me. Anything more and I am more sympathetic to the aff. Don't get it twisted, if the neg screws up debating condo, I will vote aff.
Feel free to ask me anything before the round. Most importantly compete, respect each other, and have fun.
Please put and on the email chain
Long, long, long ago; back when dinosaurs still roamed the earth, I was a regional finalist in High School impromptu and parli.
Now I am merely a parent judge and no longer have a dinosaur to ride, so instead I judge IE and Parli (and now Policy).
SQUALS 2023: I am a lay judge and have been judging debate for four years (two years for policy). Please, please, please don’t spread. I’m not going to vote on anything completely absurd like squirrels not having proper scuba gear leads to extinction. I will try to be as tech > truth as I can be, but my biases in terms of truth will probably influence decisions even if I don’t intend that to be the case. I have expertise in 5 areas of science and engineering.
Please read an actual plan in 1ac. We are not here to debate about the value of debate or try to attach metaphysics to real and important earthly problems.
Topicality: I will understand topicality and vote on topicality if you can prove that their plan has made the debate significantly unfair.
Kritik: Don’t run these with me, they’ll confuse me and I’ll mark against you for them if I’m confused.
CP: Love counterplans, bonus points if they are unique and well explained.
DA: Please don’t read some generic link, make the link specific to the aff, and make sure to explain impact link chain clearly.
Case: Love case debate, if you can prove you know the aff better than the affirmative does and then prove its a bad idea I will be very impressed and give you good speaks.
Cross-X: I flow cross-x, don’t be overly aggressive or rude, it will reduce speaks. Strong cross-x which will increase speaks include: any question that highlights a missing link in the argument or an inconsistency in the argument.
+0.1 if you tell me what your favorite dinosaur is before you speech
In IE, I particularly look for
* good transitions
* cohesion (does it sound like a single talk instead of unrelated series of short monologs)
I strongly dislike when the enthusiasm to show emotion interferes with diction and severely treble shift voices.
In Parli,
* I have difficulties when people speak too fast. (Especially if it is faster than my pet dinosaurs used to run.)
* I am generally not persuaded by "theory" in Parli.
I'm a parent judge and I am new to policy debate. Please, no spreading. Speak at a conversational speed.
I am tech > truth.
I do pay attention to cross-ex.
Explain your arguments clearly. In the rebuttals, you should tell me why exactly you win. You should essentially be writing my ballot for me.
Please have a fair debate. Debate is an educational activity and it should be enjoyable.
Please include this in the email chain:
This is my first tournament ever so please, please, please go slow. I will not understand anything if you start spreading and run 10 off :/ I don't know anything about the topic so please explain clearly what your arguments are.
4 years of debate at James Logan High School, 1 Semester of debate at Binghamton University
At James Logan, I was a straight up policy debater, and at Binghamton, I was a straight up performance debater
I have judged high school debate on the 2014-2015 topic, the 2018-2019 topic, and the 2022-2023 topic
Top level: Frame the round. First, what am I? Am I a policymaker, am I an educator or am I a critic, what IS the role of the judge? Second off, what is the role of the ballot? What does my ballot do? Third off, why should I prefer your arguments over theirs? Framing arguments WIN rounds.
Performance affirmatives and negatives: I LOVE THESE! Dance! Blast music! Rap! As long as you have offense against your opponent and can win and can defend your arguments, do as you please!
Framework against K/performance affs: I would like reasons why pretending to be a policymaker or policymaking in terms of this topic is specifically good and has benefits over their model of education/model of debate
Counterplans: These are ok, I would love to see a straight turned counterplan though on the aff
Disadvantages: These are ok, I would love to see a straight turned Disadvantage though. on the aff
Kritiks: These are ok, I would like to see a straight turned Kritik though on the aff
For performance affirmatives: If you aren't defending a type of binary, I would highly suggest you watch out for this binary good, and this paradigm of analysis is better for analyzing our world type of arguments.
I like when performance affirmatives are engaged with other Ks, instead of just topicality/framework. I debated for Binghamton so I saw lots of performance vs performance rounds.
I also like BINARY VS BINARY rounds, so like black/white binary vs radical feminism male/female binary
I also haven't debated a while, so try to go slower or not spread at all. If you do spread, be slow on your tags, or just include me on the speech doc.
I am a parent judge with no formal judging experience. Please do not spread. I have limited topic knowledge so please explain all terminology. My email is Good luck to everyone!
I’ve never judged policy debate I’ve judged speech in the past please dont Spread my email is
be respectful and kind and don’t forget to have fun
I judge based on the arguments presented, not on my own convictions. Apart from listening to first affirmative and negative constructs carefully, I pay close attention to cross examination, rebuttals, and timings before voting.
I am based out of East Bay, California.
I have been judging for past 8 years (in fact earlier than that).
I am the father of a debater in policy from Dougherty Valley High School. I judge in policy and LD with 2 tournaments of experience. I award speaker points based on how clear and understandable you speak, so please make sure I am able to understand what you are saying. I make my decision based on the reasoning of your arguments, and I also pay more attention to your rebuttal speeches, but this does not mean the constructive is disregarded. When I take notes on the debate, I write down the general argumentation, but not too much detail. For cross-examination, I pay more attention to how you speak than what questions are asked and answered, but this does not mean that you can say whatever you want.
Debate coach. 3 year state qualifier with a focus in congress/extemp/public forum. I tend to focus on logic and argumentation first and foremost. While I appreciate good delivery, it won't overshadow analysis. I will be flowing the debate, so framework debate and dropped arguments will be noted. Try not to speak too fast, I can't give you what I can't flow.
Please give special attention to your closing speeches. Crystallize/summarize the discussion so that I can make sense of what is on my flow. I will not penalize you for every little dropped argument if they are ultimately extraneous to the debate, so please try to prioritize what is most important in the round.
I prefer moderate speed while speaking. I vote for speaking clearly and convincing arguments.
Hi my name is Daniel Nguyen and I'm a parent judge for James Logan High School. Some key things to know before going into the round:
I prefer everyone to speak with clarity rather than forced speed.
I look for clear and straightforward arguments with strong evidence.
Make sure to always be respectful in cross.
First, I do not believe in spreading. Please do not spread in a round with me. If you want to have better contentions, please choose better evidence, not pack more evidence in.
I am fine with topicality/theory, but do slow down for the interpretation and standards for me to have sufficient time to write it down.
I understand basic kritiks, but please nothing with too high theory. Keep it simple though and make sure to slow down for role of the ballot args and the alt.
The best arguments are the regular plan/CP args. I would prefer these, but feel free to use whatever you want.
If I do not understand the argument or if it is not extended, I will not vote for it. Explain everything thoroughly and focus on content, not amount.
I debated for 4 years in policy at Head-Royce as a 1A/2N and went for the K on both the aff and the neg for my last 3 years. I now debate at UC Berkeley and go only for policy args.
Put me on the email chain:
please name the chain something reasonable.
Do what you do best. This paradigm is short because I will vote for almost any argument so long as it is won in debate. Below are predispositions but every single one can be overcome by debating well. I know everyone says this but I will try my hardest to stick to the flow and judge as objectively as I can. I have also realized I tend to make faces when I like or do not like something.
I read all the evidence mentioned in the final rebuttals. I put a lot of weight in evidence quality and you should be very loud about telling me if your evidence is good, I'll reward it with high speaks.
FW v K aff: Fairness is an impact but I usually prefer skills/clash. I do think that this activity has some effect on debaters and judges but to what extent is up to debate. I have a pretty good understanding of most critical theory but have gone for more security/cap rather than identity args in the past. I like to think I am 50-50 in these debates and can be convinced of almost anything pretty easily.
K v K: Never heard a convincing arg for why K affs don't get perms. Most reasons are predicated off of winning T. I think these debates tend to devolve into perm vs link which seems hard to win for both sides. I like affs that stick to their theory and go for impact turns rather than just becoming whatever the neg read. While your author probably does agree that capitalism/the LIO/hegemony/whatever is bad, it is unlikely that they fully agree with what the negative has said. Debate those intricacies and prove that your model of debate creates nuanced and in-depth clash. The more you run towards no link/perm, the more I buy FW arguments about clash and skills.
Theory: I have been confused by judges who arbitrarily choose not to vote on theory even when fully conceded. Cheap theory violations are easily answered and I am rarely convinced by one liner theory violations in the 2AC becoming 2-3 minutes of the 1AR. That being said, if the negative drops it, go for it. I won't choose not to vote on it just because it's theory, it was short in the 2AC, or because what the negative did was "reasonable".
Random stuff so that you can't get mad at me when this happens:
won't vote on stuff that happened outside the round
will drop you and give 0s for anything blatantly offensive done in round and am willing to end debates early if I think something unsafe is happening
I think reading extinction arguments and not being able to defend against the impact turn is cowardice
I have become increasingly annoyed with people acting like jerks in round. It's a communicative activity and everyone is spending their time here willingly, try to keep that in mind.
I think you can reinsert rehighlighting if it's just saying the other team miscut the evidence. If you're trying to make a new arg, you should prolly read it.
Some people and paradigms to look at to better understand the way I view debate: Larry Dang, T Weddington, Nathan Fleming, Nick Fleming, Katie Wimsatt, Emilio Menotti, Cat Jacob
extra .1 speaks for references to old/current Head-Royce or Cal debaters
FOR CNDI ONLY if you beat me in super smash bros, extra .1 speaks
I am an engineer by profession and non-native English speaker. I would prefer arguments that are clear and logical. I want to see quality over quantity. Your body language and speech delivery speed and style will make a difference. Good Luck!
My name is Oliver Suarez and I am a parent of a student in a speech and debate team. I started judging debates last year when my son entered the debate competitions. I have judged oral interpretation and policy debates.
As a judge, I prefer to judge debates without spreading so I can listen more accurately to the information. But if spreading is preferred by the competitors it is fine with me as my preference is more to the benefit of the competitors.
I have judged public forum for two years (parent judge). Please send your speech docs/cases to me at so I can follow your speeches easier.
I require judge instruction, so please include things like voter issues in your speeches. Act as if you're writing the ballot for me.
Do a good job responding to arguments. I look at arguments that are dropped, and how much of your opponent's arguments you could properly respond to.
I take cross into account. Please take into account the quality of your questions and answers.
Delivery is very important, act confident.
Speed: My preferred rate of delivery is conversational speed.
Things that I like in rounds:
1) Signposting: please signpost throughout your speech. If I can follow your arguments, it will be easier for me to vote for you. Also, please give me a brief order before your speech (ie my case, their case, weighing) and please stick to that order.
2) Numbering your arguments: another thing that makes it easier for me to follow your speech.
Lowell '22
Cal '26
Contact Info
Policy: lowelldebatedocs [at] gmail [dot] com
LD: tsantaylor [at] gmail [dot] com
Lay Debate: I'll evaluate the debate as a slow round unless both teams agree to go fast. Adapt to the rest of the panel before me.
Topicality: It's the negative's burden to prove a violation. I think debate is both an educational space and a competitive game, so I will be more persuaded by the model that maximizes its benefits for debaters and creates the most level playing field for both sides.
Counterplans: Unlimited condo is good. Advantage CP planks should have rehighlightings or solvency advocates to be legitimate. Deficits should be clearly impacted out from the 2AC to the 2AR for me to vote on them.
Disads: Turns case arguments, aff-specific link explanations, and ev comparison matter most for me. Logical, smart analytics do just as much damage as ev.
Ks: Most familiar with cap/setcol/security/IR Ks. I evaluate framework first to frame the rest of my flow. Contextualization to the aff, turns case analysis, and pulling lines from the 1AC are really important for the link debate.
K-Affs/KvK: I have the least experience judging these debates. "As the negative, recognize if this is an impact turn debate or one of competing models early on (as in, during the 2AC). When the negative sees where the 2AR will go and adjusts accordingly, I have found that I am very good for the negative. But when they fail to understand the debate's strategic direction, I almost always vote aff." - Debnil Sur
I primarily judge LD now, but I've never competed in the activity so I'm not familiar with the specific theory/tricks. Explicit judge instruction and impact calc will go a long way for me, especially in the final rebuttals.
Things that will lower your speaks: stopping prep time before you start creating your speech doc, egregiously asking your opponent what was marked/not read, going for an RVI.
I won't read evidence at the end of the debate unless you explicitly tell me to and send a compiled card doc.
Read whatever you want - if an argument is truly so bad that it shouldn't be debated, you should be able to beat it with zero cards. With that said, there is a clear difference between going for certain args and being actively violent in round, and I have zero tolerance for the latter.
+0.1 speaks if you make fun of a current cal debater/anyone on the lowell team and i laugh
Be nice, don't cheat, and have fun!
I am a parent affiliated with sonoma academy.
Do not assume I know anything about the topic so explain any terminology that isnt inherently clear
I have a long background in business administration
State qualifier 2023 is my first tournament judging
Here as an open book to listen and judge
Lowell '20 || UC Berkeley '24 || Assistant Coach @ College Prep || she/her/hers
Please add both and to the chain.
Please format the chain subject like this: Tournament Name - Round # - Aff Team Code [Aff] vs Neg Team Code. Please make sure the chain is set up before the start time.
I debated for four years at Lowell High School. I’ve been a 2A for most of my years (2Ned as a side gig my junior year). Qualified to the TOC & placed 7th at NSDA reading arguments on both sides of the spectrum. I'd say my comfort for judging rounds is Policy vs. Policy > K vs. Policy >> K vs. K.
I learned everything I know about debate from Debnil Sur, and I think about debate in the same way as this guy.He's probably the person I talk to the most when it comes to strategies and execution, it would be fair to say that if you like the way that he judge then I am also a good judge for you.
General Things
I'll vote on anything.I think there is certainly a lot of value in ideological flexibility.
Tech >>>>>>>>> truth: I'd rather adapt to your strategies than have you adapt to what you think my preferences are. The below are simply guidelines & ways to improve speaks via tech-y things I like seeing rather than ideological stances on arguments.
Looooove judge instruction - if I hear a ballot being written in the 2NR/2AR, I will basically just go along with it and verify if what you are saying is correct. The closer my decision is to words you have said in the 2NR/2AR, the higher your speaker points will be.
I think evidence quality is important, but I value good spin more because it incentivizes smart analysis & contextualization - I think that a model of debate where rounds are adjudicated solely based on evidence quality favors truth more than technical skills. As a result, I tend not to look at evidence after the round unless it was specifically flagged during speeches. With that being said, I’ll probably default to reading evidence if there’s a lack of resolution done by teams in a round. You probably don't want this because I feel like its opens up the possibility for more intervention -- so please just help me out and debate warrants + resolve the biggest points of clash in your 2NR/2ARs.
2023-2024 Round Stats If You Care:
Policy vs. Policy (11-18): 37.93% aff over 29 rounds, 22.22% aff in a theory debate over 9 rounds
Policy vs. K (5-2): 71.43% aff over 7 rounds
K vs. Policy (2-3): 40% aff over 5 rounds
K v K (1-0): 100% aff over 1 round
Sat once out of 12 elim rounds
Not much to say here - think these debates are pretty straight forward. I start evaluation at the impact level to determine link threshold & risk of the disad. My preference for evaluation is if there is explicit ballot writing + evidence indicts + resolution done by yourself in the 2NR/2AR, I would love not to open the card document and make a more interventionist judgement.
Default to judge kick. If the affirmative team has a problem with me doing this, that words "condo bad" should have been in the 2AC and explanation for no judge kick warranted out in the 1AR/2AR.
The proliferation of 1NCs with like 10 process counterplans has been kind of wild, and probably explains my disproportionately neg leaning ballot record. Process/agent/consult CPs are kind of cheating but in the words of the wise Tristan Bato, "most violations are reasons to justify a permutation or call solvency into question and not as a voter."
I think I tend to err neg on questions of conditionality & perf con but probably aff on counterplans that garner competition off of the word “should”. Obviously this is a debate to be had but also I’m also sympathetic to a well constructed net benefit with solid evidence.
Framework is sosososo important in these debates. I don’t think I really lean either side on this question but I don’t think the neg needs to win the alt if they win framework + links based on the representational strategy of the 1AC.
Nuanced link walls based on the plan/reps + pulling evidence from their ev >>>> links based on FIATed state action and generic cards about your theory.
To quote Debnil “I'm a hard sell on sweeping ontological or metaphysical claims about society; I'll likely let the aff weigh the plan; I don't think the alt can fiat structures out of existence; and I think the alt needs to generate some solid uniqueness for the criticism.“
Bad for post-modernism, simply because I've never read them + rarely debated them in high school. If you have me in the back you need to do a LOT of explanation.
Planless Affs/Framework
Generally, I don’t think people do enough work comparing/explaining their competing models of debate and its benefits other than “they exclude critical discussions!!!!”
For the aff: Having advocacy in the direction of the topic >>>>>>>> saying anything in the 1AC. I’ll probably be a lot more sympathetic to the neg if I just have no clue what the method/praxis of the 1AC is in relation to the topic. I think the value of planless affs come from having a defensible method that can be contested, which is why I’m not a huge fan of advocacies not tied to the topic. Not sure why people don’t think perms in a method debate are not valid - with that being said, I can obviously be convinced otherwise. I prefer nuanced perm explanations rather than just “it’s not mutually exclusive”.
For the neg: I don’t really buy procedural fairness - I think to win this standard you would have to win pretty substantial defense to the aff’s standards & disprove the possibility of debate having an effect on subjectivity. I don't think I'd never vote on fairness, but I think the way that most debaters extend it just sound whiney and don't give me a reason to prefer it over everything else. Impacts like agonism, legal skills, deliberation, etc are infinitely more convincing to me. Stop with the question of "what does voting aff in round [x] of tournament [y] do for your movement", you're hardly ever going to get the gotcha moment you think you will. Absent a procedural question of framework, I am just evaluating whether or not I think the advocacy is a good idea, not that I think the reading of it in one round has to change the state of debate/the world.
Topicality / Theory
I default to competing interps. Explanations of your models/differences between your interps + caselists >>>>> “they explode limits” in 10 different places. Please please please please do impact comparison, I don’t want to hear “they’re a tiny aff and that’s unfair” a bunch.
Topic education, clash, and in-depth research are more convincing to me than generic fairness impacts.
Theory debates are usually the most difficult for me to resolve, and probably the most interventionist I would have to be in an RFD. Very explicit judge instruction and ballot writing is needed to avoid such intervention.
Ethics Violations/Procedurals
I don't flow off speech docs, but I try to follow along when you're reading evidence to ensure you're not clipping. If I catch you clipping, I will give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you don't know what you're doing. I will give you a warning, but drop you if it happens again. If the other team catches you and wants to stake the round on an ethics challenge, I doubt you're winning that one.
Questions of norms ≠ ethics violations. If you believe the ballot should resolve a question of norms (disclosure, open sourcing, etc), then I will evaluate it like a regular procedural. If you believe it's an ethics violation (intentionally modifying evidence, clipping, etc), then the round stops immediately. Loser of the ethics challenge receives an auto loss and 20s.
Evidence ethics can be really iffy to resolve. If you want to stake the round on an evidence distortion, you must prove: that the piece of evidence was cut by the other team (or someone affiliated with their school) AND there was clear and malicious intent to alter its meaning. If your problem isn't surrounding distortion but rather mistagging/misinterpreting the evidence, it can be solved via a rehighlighting.
Online Debate
Please don't start until you see my camera on!
If you're not wearing headphones with a microphone attached, it is REALLY hard to hear you when you turn away from your laptop. Please refrain from doing this.
I would also love if you slowed down a tiny tiny tiny tiny bit on your analytics. I will clear you at most 3 times, but I can't help it if I miss what you're saying on my flow ;(.
Lay Debate / GGSA
I actually really appreciate these rounds. I think at the higher levels, debaters tend to forget that debate is a communicative activity at its core, and rely on the judge's technical knowledge to get out of impacting out arguments themselves. If we are in a lay setting and you'd rather not have a fast round when I'm in the back, I'll be all for that. There is such a benefit in adapting to slower audiences and over-explaining implications of all parts of the debate -- it builds better technical understanding of the activity! I'll probably still evaluate the round similar to how I would a regular round, but I think the experience of you forcing yourself to over-explain each part of the flow to me is greatly beneficial.
Public Forum
I've never debated in PF, but I have judged a handful of rounds now. I will evaluate very similarly to how I evaluate policy rounds.
I despise the practice of sending snippets of evidence one at a time. I think it's a humongous waste of time and honestly would prefer (1) the email chain be started BEFORE the round and (2) all of the evidence you read in your speech sent at once. Someone was confused about this portion of my paradigm -- basically, instead of asking for "Can I get [A] card on [B] argument, [C] card on [D] arg, etc...", I think it would be faster if the team that just spoke sent all of their evidence in one doc. This is especially true if the tournament is double-flighted.
If you want me to read evidence after the round, please make sure you flag is very clearly.
I've been in theory/k rounds and I try to evaluate very close to policy. I'm not really a huge fan of k's in public forum -- I don't think there is enough speech time for you to develop such complex arguments out well. I also don't think it makes a lot of sense given the public forum structure (i.e. going for an advocacy when it's not a resolution that is set up to handle advocacies). I think there's so much value in engaging with critical literature, please consider doing another event that is set up better for it if you're really interested in the material. However, I'm still willing to vote on anything, as long as you establish a role of the ballot + frame why I'm voting.
If you delay the round to pre-flow when it's double-flighted, I will be very upset. You should know your case well enough for it to not be necessary, or do it on your own time.
Be nice & have fun.
email chain/contact
im not new to policy debate, but i havn't judged since 2014. please don't spread. i will do my best to judge you, tech>truth for the most part. please be patient with me! do your best and have fun, debate should be educational so treat it as such!
I am a parent.
Please speak slowly and clearly, English is not my first language but I will try my best.
I am very interested in debate. If you are able to clearly explain your argument to me, I will vote for you.
If I cannot understand you, then you are most likely not gonna win.
One argument I can understand is probably more important than 10 arguments you think you are winning on.