48th University of Pennsylvania Tournament

2023 — Philadelphia, PA/US
Novice Public Forum Debate Paradigm List
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Matteo Akbarpour Hire None
Mialy Andriamananjara Holton-arms School
Dhritiman Banerjee Princeton
Katie Brown Union Catholic
Emily Carter Delbarton School
Nicolas Casey Regis High School
Asher Chancey JR Masterman
Jiyon Chatterjee Horace Mann School
Vincent Chen Millburn High School
Benjamin Cherel Cranbrook
Sheela Das The Lawrenceville School
Mitesh Desai CR North High School
Mouctar Diarra Hire
Cassie Ehrenberg JR Masterman
Felipe Flores Cruz St. Luke's School
Sanjana Gudipati Lexington HS
Insia Haque Hire None
Faiyaz Hasan Brooklyn Technical High School
Sean Healey Regis High School
Sandy Hou Millburn High School
Kelly Hu Princeton
Devin Jiang Hunter College
Atharva Kasar Strath Haven
Brianna Kerr Ransom Everglades
Immanuel Kim Oakton High School
Lingmei Kong Millburn High School
Duraiya Kothawala CR North High School
Blesy Kurian Hunter College
Lucas Lee Hire None
Zaina Maqbool Strath Haven
Nolan McDowell Collegiate School
Krish Mehta The Lawrenceville School
Abby Meyer Stuyvesant High School
Andrea Moran The Haverford School None
Nancy Mvogo Mbala Hire
Theodora Naqvi The Haverford School
Richard Nash Brooklyn Technical High School
Baruni Palayam CR North High School
Aryan Palla Horace Mann School
Amelia Pinal University High School
Chethan Reddy Poly Prep Country Day School
Devesh Roy Holton-arms School None
Danijel Seep Collegiate School
Kavish Senthilkumar Hire
Samah Sharmin Strath Haven
Olivia Silvestri The Spence School
Solai Solaiyappan Lexington HS
Sruthi Srinivas Hire
Angela Steele The Haverford School