Heart of Texas Invitational hosted by St Marks
2022 — NSDA Campus, TX/US
JVLD Paradigm List
All Paradigms: Show HideI am a parent judge, please speak at a conversational speed and have a traditional debate.
Hi, I am a parent judge, though I have judged various tournaments in the past. I will consider your arguments comprehensively, I just ask that you have clear judge instruction. I will vote objectively based on the debate itself, and not my personal biases.
Please add me to the email chain: huangherbert@gmail.com
1. Please speak slowly and clearly, and don't spread. This will help me a lot when flowing and evaluating the round. I give speaker points based on clarity.
2. I will evaluate the round on who persuades me that their side of the resolution is preferable, so try your best to give strong and compelling arguments. Debate is ultimately a game of persuasion, which will will you my ballot.
3. Debate is for learning and gaining education, so please be respectful to me and each other.
Good luck in the round!!
I am okay with judging anything in round. I firmly believe that debates should be left up to the debaters and what they want to run. If you want to read policy or a new kritik; I am good with anything y'all as debaters want to run. Do not read anything that is homophobic, racist, ableist, or sexiest in round. Debate should be a safe place for everyone. A little bit about me I was a 1A/2N my senior year. I recently graduated from Sac State with a major in Communications and Women's Studies. I am currently applying to Law school and will be attending a law school in fall of 2024. I am currently a policy coach for the Sacramento Urban Debate League, coaching at CKM and West Campus.
Kritikal Affs: I love identity politics affirmatives. They are one of my favorite things to judge and hear at tournaments. I ran an intersectional k aff my senior year. If you run an identity politics affirmative then I am a great judge for you. For high theory k affs I am willing to listen to them I am just not as well adapted in that literature as identity politics. But on the negative, I did run biopower.
Policy Affirmative: Well duh.... I am good at judging a hard-core policy round or a soft-left affirmative. Once again whatever the debaters want to do I am good with judging anything.
Framework: I feel like the question for framework that debaters are asking here is if I am more of a tech or truth kind of judge. I would say its important for debaters to give me judge instruction on how they want to me to judge the round. If you want me to prefer tech or truth you need to tell me that, and also tell me WHY I should prefer tech or truth. The rest of the debate SSD, TVAs etc need to be flushed out and not 100% blipy. But that's pretty much how I feel like with every argument on every flow.
CP/DA: If you want to read 9 off you can.
Theory: I will be honest; I am not the best at evaluating theory arguments. I know what they are, and you can run them in front of me. But if you go for them, judge instruction is a must, and explaining to me how voting for this theory shell works for the debate space etc.
I like being told what to vote for and why. I am lazy to my core. If I have to look at a speech doc at the end of the round I will default to what happened in the round, not on the doc.
On a side note, go follow the Sacramento Urban Debate League on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. Also, I want to be in the email chain. My email is smsj8756@gmail.com thanks!
i have (not so) recently shortened this paradigm cuz it was getting really ranty - if you would like to see my thoughts on specific arguments, feel free to look at my rant doc
I’m Eva (they/them) - please just call me Eva in round instead of judge. I did traditional LD (Canfield ‘18) in HS and have coached since graduating. I primarily coach traditional debate, but when I bring kids onto the circuit they typically go for theory and K heavy strats
Email: evathelamberson@gmail.com put me on the chain but speechdrop is better :) i think docs are a good practice even for lay debaters and i would prefer if you send analytics
Sidenote: I judge every weekend in the season, but Ohio doesn’t use Tabroom so it doesn’t show up :( I've probably judged an additional 500+ local rounds
TL;DR FOR PREFS i have come to the conclusion that i actually care very little what you read and hold a minimal amount of dogma re: what arguments should be read and how they should be read. i am good for whatever barring anything offensive, obviously. i have judged & voted for basically everything - if you have good strategy and good judge instruction, i will be happy to be in the back of your round whether you're reading the most stock larp stuff ever or tricky phil or friv theory or a non-t aff, etc. read the rant doc if you're interested in my specific thoughts on specific types of arguments. basically, do whatever you want, seriously
i believe debate is a game and it's not my job to tell you how to play it; i will be happiest when you are debating the way you enjoy the most and are best at
i consider myself a fairly flexible judge and try not to be biased toward any particular style. however, in very close clash rounds, i may lean towards arguments i find to be simpler/easier to vote for or that i understand better. to be open about my biases, i will say that i find myself voting for theory, phil, and tricks more than ks and all the above more than policy
- round safety is very important to me, and if there is a genuine safety concern that is preventing you from engaging in the round, i would prefer it be round ending as opposed to a shell - if you are feeling unsafe in a round, please feel free to email or FB message me and I will intervene in the way you request.
pls give me a heads up if you're gonna read explicit discussions of self harm or suicide. you can still read them in front of me but i would like a warning as early as possible - email or messenger is the fastest way to reach me during tournaments
- DO NOT try to SHAKE MY HAND. on this subject, i am a huge germaphobe - i will be wearing a mask probably until the end of time, don't worry i'm not sick, i just don't want to get sick. if there are covid precautions or anything like that you want us to take in the round, please vocalize this and we will make that happen (open windows, masking, etc.)
Hello! I am a parent judge but I have judged some traditional rounds before. My email is catchup.liang@gmail.com if needed for questions / the email chain.
Please refrain from using extreme debate jargon and stick to more policy-esque positions since I'm rather unfamiliar with judging others.
Also, please speak slower so that I can flow well and avoid spreading.
Finally, please be kind to each other and be respectful (don't cut each other off, etc.)
i did ld for two years at westlake high school
she/her pronouns; abide by your opponent's pronouns
add me to the email chain: shampurnam@gmail.com
i'm more of a flow judge and i don't like doing work so i prob won't evaluate an argument unless it's clearly extended
probably most familiar with larp and theory debate but any args are fine as long as you flush them out properly (i hate phil debates tho and am really bad at evaluating them)
layer ur args and warrant why you're winning in the top layer. give me a big picture analysis at the end and explain to me why you're winning; essentially write my ballot for me
fine w/ speed but if i say clear twice and u don't slow down or speak clearly then i will stop flowing; im usually pretty generous with speaks but i have a really low threshold for debaters being rude and/or aggressive to me or their opponent and i WILL give u low speaks if you say anything problematic
please give trigger warnings; also i don't do well with any extremely graphic depictions of rape and sexual violence
- DAs: pretty much fine with anything as long as you have a proper link story and clear impact calculus
- plans/cps/pics: pls do comparative worlds weighing; i think these are strategic and mainly what i ran in hs so i'm fine with really anything
- fine with anything as long as they are well warranted; explain why voting for the k actually matters
- PIKs: open to PIKs good/bad debate, i don't have a default on this
- pls do work with the alt and explain the methodology; i have a low threshold when alt isn't warranted
- k affs are cool just explain to me why it's relevant to vote aff and why your topic or method is better
- i think performances are really cool and meaningful in the debate space; just explain why i should endorse the performance and also pls have good warrants
- really low threshold for friv theory
- don't spread your interps and have a strong warrant on your abuse story
- i think t debate is valid but i definitely will buy an abuse story off the neg if it is warranted
- pls pls pls explain why your fw matters more and what my role is as the judge; i think framework debates get really messy and i don't like doing work so please weigh
- sorry i don't like phil debate and i'm pretty bad at evaluating these types of rounds
- if you're reading dense phil please slow down and explain to me the argument like im 5 lol
- i don't like them and idk how to evaluate them
good luck everyone! i know debate can be a toxic and negative space sometimes so if you ever need to leave the round please just let me know; mental health comes first
With a cumulative 13+ years of experience across multiple formats (CX, LD, PF, WSDC, Congress, BP, AP, etc) and across multiple circuits (5 continents), I like to think that I've seen it all, so I'll keep it simple.
I value and reward consistency in logic. The less logical leaps in your argument, the better.
Analyze everything, don't make assumptions.
Rebuttals should be thorough.
Don't make up evidence, I wouldn't hesitate to call for cards if something doesn't add up.
Cross (or POI in WSDC/BP) is also part of the debate, take it very seriously.
Be kind and respect your opponents.
Hey! My name is Abhived and I am a Sophomore at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign!
I am very very expressive. I frown, stick my eyebrow up, and do other rlly obvious things when I don't like an argument. Please do not go for said argument. I will note vote on the silence pic or any other argument that was not read.
No Google Docs! Download the Doc and send it in the chain or file share.
Please slow down!I have not thought about this activity since mid-2022. This means you should go half your speed and do a lot more judge instructions if you want to win.
The less time you take in your speech to win the higher speaks you will get. If you win the debate with more than half of the time left in your speech you will get a W30 in front of me, regardless of who your opponent is.
If you are debating against T/Theory in the 2A extend case. Bare minimum.
My email is apulapaka6@gmail.com
I am a good judge if:
- You are good at the K
- You enjoy fun tricks + friv theory debates
- You are really good at explaining your stock Phil position
- RVIs!
- 2N on Framework
- Benatar
- You wrap the round up cleanly and quickly
I am a mid judge if:
- You are meh at explaining your phil
- You are a legit theory/T debater
I am a bad judge if:
- You are an intense policy debater. I judged one good policy round this year and it made my head hurt.
- We are in an intense phil v phil debate
- You over adapt and are reading buzzwords for a K that no one understands
- You go too fast- I am so so bad at flowing
A couple more things:
- No misgendering- speaks will get slashed after the second time and I will be more than happy to down you if your opponent asks me to
- Plz don't read the Small Schools Disad on T fw- I think that the argument is poop
- Postrounding is good. If I can not defend my decision I probably did not make the right decision + you are holding me accountable. Don't be super rude and we won't have any issues.
Overall speech/ interpret I look for clear ideas that can be well expressed and elaborated on. Also play into emotions. Engage with the audiences
LD - speed reading is fine, I Dont need to be included in email chains.
Have a strong and detailed rebuttals.
pronouns: any | email: victorthoms037@gmail.com
- Read what you enjoy reading - it's Your round
- Tech > Truth
|||Pref sheet below - Tag-Team CX/Flex-Prep is alright
- If you have a trigger warning, offer an alternative option
- Good with speed
- Online debate: I am fairly laid back for online debates, so if you know that wifi or clarity might be an issue please send a doc of your constructive.
Pref Sheet: 1 (fav) - 5 (meh)
Theory - 1
K - 2
Larp - 2
Phil - 3
Trad - 3
Tricks - 4
Background/// I debated policy for 3 years at Millard North with some experience at the nat circuit level. I qualified for nationals twice and had some success in the Nebraska circuit. In my experience, I interacted with a wide variety of arguments, if you have questions please feel free to ask.
Coached policy for 2 years at Omaha Central (21-23)
Currently coaching LD at Lincoln North Star (23-24)
The not TL;DR part
PF/// Full disclosure, I am not fully acquainted with the norms of PF, but as long as teams clearly weigh in their round I should be able to make a cohesive ballot that is acceptable (hopefully).
Policy/// Literally read whatever you want as long as I am able to understand it. Very tech over truth so I really just want to see debaters reading what they enjoy so they can compete at their best. Otherwise, the LD section will give more context to how I feel on certain arguments that are found in both events
LD///My LD experience comes from judging and coaching, not from competing. Keep that in mind.
Trad - Trad debates and other things like it are debates I'd like to see go further than they typically do. It could just be me being a bozo, but I'd like to see justifications for why specific frameworks are important for the round and the impacts you claim to solve for. But honestly I'll still vote you up if you don't do that so feel free to ignore my whining.
Phil - I can't say I am the most familiar with phil, but frameworks in these rounds tend to keep me more captivated and this might ensure that I will buy your persuasion and voters more.
Larp/Plan texts - I tend to be pretty picky on plan texts, but most teams get away with reading fairly mid plan texts so it doesn't really matter to me. Rounds I do better in have clearly conveyed solvency mechanisms and framing that justifies why their impacts matter in the first place.
DA - No preferences, just spend time on the link and impacts in the rebuttal.
CP - Mutual exclusivity is easy enough to justify, but how the CP solves better than the aff tends to trip some debaters up. Spend some time in the rebuttal to explain why the CP solves better. Obviously, CPs tend to be very strategic so if you bend these rules I'll be fine with that, just guide me how to evaluate it in round.
K - Read what you like, but make sure that your advocacy is clear. K's are meant to acknowledge an issue and suggest a way to mitigate for fix it, so a clear solvency story is a fantastic way to set up my ballot. If it is predicated on pre-fiat arguments, be sure to give examples of the alternative working in the past. Or if it has never been tried, why its a good idea to risk it all on the alt. Please don't read a K just to confuse your opponents, because each team ends up confusing themselves before the end of the round somehow.
ROTB - Spend more time on your role of the ballot than you think you need to. I need to know why I should be voting the way I am, not just a baseless request. I prefer role of the ballots that do more than just imply that I should hack for the side that reads it (i.e., connect it back with why your advocacy matters). This doesn't mean I won't use it, but it will be a far easier debate for you if it is justified by whatever you are reading. I find that teams that rely on the ROB for alt solvency tend to efficient on the flow, but not effective in explanations.
Theory/ T - Can't lie, I love theory. Even if that wasn't the case, I evaluate theory first. Debaters should give examples of abuse to justify why they are reading it. These can be the most flimsy justifications in the world, but I want to see them there because if not I will buy reasonability or we-meets easily. Justifications allow me to ignore time skew arguments read by opponents.
Tricks - I am not the most familiar with tricks, but I evaluate it before most other arguments in the round. If the argument is flimsy and mostly there to be a goofy time skew, I will buy your opponent's offense quite easily. Don't let my indifference stop you from reading tricks, time skews can be effective.
My name is Zi Wang (Zee).
I'm a parent judge. I'd prefer traditional debates over progressive and normally don't vote on tricks, Ks, theory, etc. Please don't go too fast and make your arguments clear. Make sure that you weigh and give clear voters.
Email: ziwangdebate@gmail.com