Last changed on
Fri February 9, 2024 at 2:59 PM CDT
Personal Background/General Information:
My name is Murtaza Kazmi. I competed in Congressional Debate and International Extemp at Seven Lakes High School for four years.
I will not tolerate racism, sexism, homophobia, or any other form of prejudice or discrimination in round. If you or your partner display any of those characteristics, I will down you immediatley. I enjoy humor in round, but make jokes at your own risk. Debate is not a space for over-agressiveness. I understand sometimes speaking over each other, but do not be mean to your competitors - this will also lose points on my ballot.
Debate is a space to communicate, not to hate!
Congress is both a speaking and debate event in my view - successful representatives will show skills in both facets.
Rhetoric should be used effectively (not just to fill in time in a speech).
Each argument provided must have quantified/qualified evidence (with sufficient sourcing including date) along with a tangible impact.
AGD's should be unique (not canned) and have an effective tie-in to the topic.
Speeches should have succinct "action claims" (etc. this bill will fosters economic growth).
Mention the different sections/resolved clauses of the legislation in your speech.
Speeches without conclusions (or ending with pass/fail) are incomplete speeches and will be marked down.
Refutation is expected and speeches without ref (with the obvious exception of the author/sponsor) will be marked down
Any rehash will be marked down
Go for alternative speech structures at your own risk (unified analysis, defensive points, etc.), but speech without offense is not a good speech imo.
Authors/Sponsors can do well on my ballot if they do a good job:
1. Explaining the Problem (with quality evidence)
2. Discussing the solution that each part of the legislation provides (with quality evidence)
3. Elaborating on the human impact of both the problem and the solution.
Crystal Speeches can do well on my ballot if they do a good job:
1. Group arguments from both the Aff and Neg into logical and general claims
2. Show new evidence and explains logically why one side is correct
3. Explores the argumentative and human impacts of one side being correct
Presiding Officers can do well on my ballot if they do a good job:
1. attaining or nearly reaching the maximum number of both speeches and questions in a session
2. maintaining decorum and parliamentary procedure at all times (including accurately choosing questioners and speakers)
3. limiting fluency breaks or awkward phrasing
4. making humorous remarks from time to time (when appropriate)
Extemporaneous Speaking (IX/DX):
Similar to Congress, I weigh both speaking and content with a slight preference for better content over better speaking.
Each speech should have a MINIMUM of 7 sources (1 in the intro, 2 in each subsequent body point).
You can try alternative speech structures at your own risk (eg. two points), but it must make sense in the context of the topic.
Intro must include AGD, effective transition, background information and significance, state question and answer.
All body paragraphs must have succinct claims with dated and quality sources with significant analysis and IMPACT.
I will appreciate book sources and local newspapers sources (in IX) a lot!
If your point doesn't make logical sense without the quantified/qualified evidence, it is not a good point.
You have to restate the question and brief answer in your conclusion.
Speeches without conclusions are incomplete.
Speakers that use tonal and speed variation, effective hand gestures, eye contact will rank better than speakers who do not.
Public Forum/Lincoln Douglass:
I am flay, leaning towards content, but bad speaking will lose a lot of points on my ballot.
I'm not well versed in theory or other progressive arguments, but if violations (eg. racism, homophobia, sexism, etc.) are made that are grounds for a loss, then you can bring them up in round and if I agree then I will down the other debater.
I prefer substanatiative debate over progressive (theory, disads, K's, etc).
If you do run progressive arguments, there must be a clear and solid link to the resolution.
Teams that explain their link chains and show their impacts and impact calculus better than the other team will win my ballot.
Weighing impacts is necessary to win my ballot.
If you drop an argument, link, or card and try to bring it back up, I won't weigh it.
Weighing should begin no later than the Summary speeches.
I am tech over truth unless something is blatantly wrong (eg. we will be extinct from a squirrel takeover of Earth).
My average speaks will be a 28 (from 25-30) and can go up/down depending on your performance in round.