Princeton UIL Spring Classic 2022
2022 — Princeton, TX/US
Lincoln Douglas Paradigm List
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Phil - 1
Larp - 1
FW/T - 1
Kritiks - 1
Theory - 2
K-Affs - 3
Tricks/Unnecessary Theory - Strike
Debated for Princeton High School on NSDA/TFA/UIL. I did Policy, LD, plus multiple speaking events. I ran a lot of Larp and phil, dabbled in k's but did not run them often.
Any Pronouns, Reference me in any way you want, i will default they/them for you unless you say otherwise
Email Chain plz :
Real Paradigm
Run whatever you want, i will listen to anything and will judge off what you tell me to, there are some exceptions and clarity required for this though:
If you're going to spread be aware that my hearing is bad and i will rely on your document. If you spread without sending the doc i will laugh at you, and if you get theory run on you because of this, i will default.
Be logical and reasonable with theory, observations, etc. The meta debate is very important but treat it with grace, it's not your path to a free ballot.
I never got really into kritical debate, but i love it nonetheless, so read it if you like but treat me like a child.
No tricks, especially if you cannot explain them in a way that matters, and you don't want to be the one to fail to change my mind on this.
I consider disclosure frivolous without real, factual evidence of violations
I will start at 29 speaks and go up or down from there
Don't be the reason that i add something to my paradigm
Ask me specific questions if you wish, and email me if you have questions as well.
I am blank slate, tabula rasa. What I hear is how I judge.
I want to understand you while speaking (I’m in sales) and I want you to debate each other for the topics presented in the round. I will not read any files unless there is a clear distinction of misunderstanding.
do NOT be racist, transphobic, homophobic, bigoted, etc.
Competitive history: 4 years at Princeton High School (split time w/ LD and policy). 4-time national qualifier in policy, congress, and extemp. 4-time TFA qualifier in policy, LD (doubles), and extemp (qtrs). UIL state qualifier in policy. Competed primarily in TFA/Nat circuit, but I have experience in UIL circuit too. Policy was my main event, and I think this will be applicable if I’m judging you in LD too.
Speed is fine just slow down a bit in the rebuttals. I say clear twice before I stop flowing.
TLDR: The best way to explain my evaluation of debate is offense-defense. I don’t think you should pref me high if you are a primarily K team, albeit I will listen to a K debate, I just have a very high threshold for voting for it without a non-jargon explanation (this is applicable to any arg, but for K’s it is especially relevant). I read a lot of soft-left affs. Aside from K debate, I’m comfortable listening to anything and I usually don’t have a predisposition for any arg. I love a clean line-by-line. I’m tech over truth and I try my best to not judge intervene. I am most comfortable judging CX debate.
Evidence: I do read the evidence in the round, so try not to falsify the warrants of your arguments, but I still think it is up to the debaters to call out bad evidence.
Topicality: Ah, I love a good topicality debate, but I do think it tends to get unnecessarily messy. Please extend your interps... I don’t have a preference for competing interps or reasonability though, that’s something that will depend on the debate. Yes, you need impacts but no, I don’t have a preference on whether education or fairness is better. DA’s and turns on the standards debate are particularly convincing but if you go for one of these I don’t want a blippy explanation.
Theory: I think the only convincing theory shell I’ve ever heard while competing was condo, so I hope that tells you that I’m not the judge where you should go all in on theory in the 2ar/2nr. Despite this, I will still listen to theory, but please note I have a very high threshold on abuse. Also, if there has been a serious technical concession, I do think that voting for a theory shell becomes more convincing, but I think this is the only time I’m persuaded.
Disads: I’m good w/ any DA you want to run (even politics), but I generally like the link to be more specific because it’s often more persuasive. Generic links are fine though. Also persuasive is DA turns/outweighs case. I believe DA starts at the uniqueness, but I have voted for a non-unique DA sadly.
Counterplans: I don’t judgekick unless you tell me to, but also make sure you have some explanation of why the squo is, at the very worst, still better than the aff. Any counter-plan is fine. You need a net benefit, but I don’t have a preference for whether it’s external or internal. Any CP or PIC you read is fine, see the theory section for more. Presumption flips aff if you read a CP.
Kritiks: I’m not familiar with/don’t remember all of your authors albeit I do know most of the criticism associate with the lit of these K’s, but it is still up to you to have a sufficient explanation. I mostly read gender and cap in high school, but this also requires your explanation to be better since I understand this lit the best. This is an argument where I would much rather you have a link that is specific to the aff because it makes it easier to convince me to vote for you. Generic links are fine too but make sure they are to the aff and not the status quo, but this is still up to the other team to make that argument. Explain your alt please. I will vote on a linear disad.
LD specific: I love a good framework debate and often find it to be the crux of winning arguments/rounds, I’m also generally lenient to the 1AR but that doesn’t mean you should be lazy with your theory shells. Progressive args and speed are fine.
PF specific: if you have me as a PF judge, see above.
Extemp specific: if you happen to have me as a judge more than once, I don’t care if you use the same attention-getter. I don’t have a pref for performance versus fact-telling, but I would like to see both and some sort of weaving of points to a coherent explanation.
i have a lot of experience and do a lot of tings ‼️ just do whatever you do best and tell me how to evaluate.
Traditional LD judge. Rate and tone are important. No drops. It is value debate so debate the value. Use of philosophy is a must.
I judge and coach primarily LD Debate and Public Forum, though I have coached some CX, and I married a CXer! I have an Extemp Debate paradigm at the bottom also.
LD Debate:
I consider myself traditional. I do not like what LD has become in the TFA/TOC/National circuit.
I do not like speed. Debaters who spread their opening cases because they are not ready for a traditional judge have not done their homework. Speeding up at the end of a rebuttal because you are running out of time and want to get to the last few points is somewhat forgivable.
I do not like you spouting 27 cards and trying to win the debate just by having more evidence and more points than your opponent. I want you to explain your position clearly. I want you to explain how the evidence you are providing is relevant and how it helps to make a logical argument.
I dislike debate jargon. Debaters tend to develop bad speaking habits as they go through their careers. I like a debater that can talk like a normal human being. For example, rather than saying, "Counterplan" as some overarching title, say, "I want to suggest we do something different."
I do believe that LD Debate is at its core still a values debate. I want to hear you talk about values and explain how a value is reached or not. That said, I prefer a contention level debate to an overly long framework. Think about it...we call it FRAMEWORK, yet some debaters spend nearly the whole speech on it! Give a brief framework and move on to explain the argument that supports your V-C and connects clearly to the resolution.
I like a summary at the end of the NR. For the 2AR, please do NOT think you have to do line-by-line. Stick with a simple explanation of why you won.
See the LD paradigm on speed, etc. PFD is about simply convincing me your side is right. If both of you have contradictory evidence for the same point, then point that out, and try to win the argument somewhere else. Presentation matters in PFD more than in any other debate event, except maybe Congress.
I'm a stock issues judge. Slow down! Give me clear Harms--Plan--Solvency. Provide clear funding if applicable. I'm good with CP's and like disads. However, I think the nuclear war impact is rather silly and could be destroyed by someone that got up and pointed out that it hasn't happened and likely won't happen just because Russia gets mad. T's are okay, but I don't suggest you put all your eggs in that basket. Knowing that I'm an old LDer, the best CX teams will appeal to my logical side, rather than my "I think I have a card around here somewhere" side.
This is NOT a shorter version of LD or Policy. You have two minutes. Just give me a clear explanation on why your side is correct. Essentially, this is a crystallization debate. Brief evidence is necessary, but this is not a card v. card debate. Don't chastise your opponent for not having evidence for things that are generally known. Don't chastise your opponent for not addressing your case in the Constructive; they don't have to. Don't provide definitions unless it is truly necessary. Don't be FRANTIC! Calm, cool delivery is best.
I look for the three "P's" when judging events of this type:
(B) Is the delivery POLISHED?
(C) Is the delivery of the speech (and the behavior and attitude of the speaker, especially towards other competitors) PROFESSIONAL?
If applicable to the event, I also look for a deep and solid analysis of a topic. For example:
(A) Were objections to the speaker's position/thesis thoughtfully considered and addressed in a serious manner (i.e. not just mentioning an objection and then dismissing it outright as ridiculous without further argument)?
(B) Are statements overly general or well-supported by facts, evidence, or specific examples?
(C) Does the speaker, in their speech, contradict themselves or fall victim to the very biases or errors they are advocating against?
You are there to persuade me, the judge. This means three things:
(A) You must speak clearly and at a rate that I am able to flow as you speak. This means DO NOT SPREAD. It does not matter how many arguments you have, if I as the judge cannot follow and understand them, I cannot be persuaded by them and you will not have time to sufficiently explain and defend them.
(B) You are there to persuade me that your argument is better than your opponent's, not to make your opponent cry. That does not mean you cannot be firm in defending your case and attacking your opponent's, but there is NO excuse for being rude or unprofessional.
(C) Never assume anything about your judge or audience. Do not get caught up in jargon or assume that your listeners know what Kant's categorical imperative (or anything else for that matter) is. If you're going to throw a term or thinker out there like that, you must define and explain it.
For LD, argue from your value and criterion, and use evidence (as needed) to support your arguments. Do NOT turn the debate into a debate over evidence. Persuade me that your value, criterion, and arguments are better than your opponent's, not that you have a “better” or more recent source/card.
Finally, you MUST keep to the allotted time limits, including prep time. "Brief off-time road maps" should be no more that 3 seconds. Period. If your prep time has ended, do not proceed to take 20 more seconds to collect your notes, stand up, and take a drink of water. If your prep time has ended, your prep time has ended.