Villiger 42 Saint Josephs University
2021 — NSDA Campus, PA/US
N-JV Lincoln Douglas Paradigm List
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Origin Story:
Hi! I'm Isaac. I am a junior at George Washington University in D.C. and competed in Congressional Debate and Extemp for four years at Pennsbury High School in Pennsylvania. I competed extensively on the national circuit, obtaining 11 bids to the TOC and I was lucky enough to place/final at tournaments like Harvard, Princeton, Sunvite, Blue Key, Barkley Forum (Emory), Durham, UPenn, and Villiger.
Now that I've given some of my background as a competitor I can discuss what that means in terms of what I like to see as a judge. In my opinion, this can best be summarized like this;
stick to 2 points
don't speak too fast
try to get to 2:50-3 minutes
arguments flow in linear way and flow broad to narrow with a terminalized impact (human beings should be your impact)
use refutation after 1st cycle
I like well 2 well developed arguments over 3 poorly constructed ones
Stick to legislation what does the legislation do, not what it won't do if that makes sense
Don't spread
cite good sources stated clearly
present links clearly
be realistic
Don’t spread (speak so quickly I can’t understand you)
use good sources (try not to use news articles, stick to research) state them clearly
arguments flow in linear fashion (I should be able to see where you go from point A to point B to point C)
give me a human reason to vote for your side (this means establish the human impact why the issue directly impacts a human person)
no theory please (stick to arguing the facts, data, and information of the issues at hand in the motion)
Please sign post arguments (tell me that you are about to make a big point before you do)! I need this for flowing purposes
Because I never did speech I only know what I know and that is that if you immerse me in the narrative thread of your speech, meaning you speak well and beautifully, and I truly can imagine you acting out all these parts (or in OO you are sincere with your performance) generally the person who achieves that will be ranked 1 on my ballot, or close to it as possible. Think of suspended belief.
I debated policy throughout high school. I'd like to consider myself tab and I want you to run whatever you want.
Don't be rude and good luck!
About Me
I identify as a lazy judge. If at the end of the debate I cannot resolve key questions on my flow, I am voting for the opposing team without hesitation. I don't like thinking too hard after debates. Write my ballots for me with your speeches.
I attended and debated for Rutgers University-Newark (c/o 2021). I’ve ran both policy and K affs.
Coach @ Ridge HS in Basking Ridge, NJ.
Influences In Debate
David Asafu – Adjaye (he actually got me interested in college policy, but don’t tell him this), and of course, the debate coaching staff @ RU-N: Willie Johnson, Carlos Astacio, Devane Murphy, Christopher Kozak and Elijah Smith.
The Basics
Yes, I wish to be on the email chain!
COLLEGE POLICY: I skimmed through the topic paper and ADA/ Wake will be my first time judging this season. Do with this information what you wish.
GENERAL: If you are spreading and it’s not clear, I will yell clear. If I have to do that too many times in a round, it sucks to be you buddy because I will just stop flowing and evaluate the debate based on what I can remember. Zoom through your cards, but when doing analytics and line by line, take it back a bit. After all, I can only evaluate what I catch on my flow. UPDATE FOR ONLINE DEBATES: GO ABOUT 70% OF YOUR NORMAL SPEED. IF YOU ARE NOT CLEAR EVEN AT 70%, DON'T SPREAD.
In general, I like K’s (particularly those surrounding Afro-Pess and Queer Theory). However, I like to see them executed in at least a decent manner. Therefore, if you know these are not your forte, do not read them just because I am judging. One recent pet peeve of mine is people just asserting links without having them contextualized to the aff and well explained. Please don't be that person. You will see me looking at both you and my flow with a confused face trying to figure out what's happening. Additionally, do not tell me that perms cannot happen in a method v. method debate without a warrant.
I live for performance debates.
I like to be entertained, and I like to laugh. Hence, if you can do either, it will be reflected in your speaker points. However, if you can’t do this, fear not. You obviously will get the running average provided you do the work for the running average. While I am a flow centric judge, be it known that debate is just as much about delivery as it is about content.
The bare minimum for a link chain for a DA is insufficient 99% of the time for me. I need a story with a good scenario for how the link causes the impact. Describe to me how everything happens. Please extrapolate! Give your arguments depth! It would behoove you to employ some impact calculus and comparison here.
Save the friv theory, bring on those spicy framework and T debates. Please be well structured on the flow if you are going this route. Additionally, be warned, fairness is not a voter 98% of the times in my book. It is an internal link to something. Note however, though I am all for T and framework debates, I also like to see aff engagement. Obviously these are all on a case by case basis. T USFG is not spicy. I will vote on it, but it is not spicy.
For CPs, if they're abusive, they are. As long as they are competitive and have net benefits, we're good.
On theory, at a certain point in the debate, I get tired of hearing you read your coach's coach's block extensions. Could we please replace that with some impact weighing?
Do not assume I know anything when judging you. I am literally in the room to take notes and tell who I think is the winner based on who gives the better articulation as to why their option is better. Therefore, if you assume I know something, and I don’t … kinda sucks to be you buddy.
I’m all for new things! Debating is all about contesting competing ideas and strategies.
I feel as though it should be needless to say, but: do not run any bigoted arguments. However, I’m well aware that I can’t stop you. Just please be prepared to pick up a zero in your speaking points, and depending on how egregious your bigotry is, I just might drop you. Literally!
Another thing: please do not run anthropocentrism in front of me. It’s something I hated as a debater, and it is definitely something I hate as a judge. Should you choose to be risky, please be prepared for the consequences. (Update: voted on it once - purely a flow decision)
For My LD'ers
It is often times difficult to evaluate between esoteric philosophies. I often find that people don't do enough work to establish any metric of evaluation for these kinds of debates. Consequently, I am weary for pulling the trigger for one side as opposed to the other. If you think you can, then by all means, read it!
Yale Update: Tricks are for kids.You might be one, but I am not.
I'm gonna have to pass on the RVIs too. I've never seen a more annoying line of argumentation.
If your cards are not properly tagged, cited and cut, I will be tanking speaker points severely.
If an email chain is not set up, I will be tanking speaker points severely.
If I get so much as a whiff of evidentiary dishonesty, I am dropping you, closing my laptop and leaving the round.
Otherwise, congrats on making it to NSDA. Have fun and do you, boo !
In general, give me judge instructions.
On average, tech > truth --- however, I throw this principle out when people start doing or saying bigoted things.
Are all important to me. If I had to rank them it would be in that order. Pathos, then Logos, then Ethos. If you can get me to be emotionally invested then you are winning. Don't be afraid to make your gestures big. Project to fill up the room with your voice. Use your diaphragm. Do NOT yell. Do NOT use your throat.
T A K E. Y O U R. T I M E.
This is NOT a race. If this is a Speech Event (e.g. Prose, INFO, IMP, et cetera) giving me moments to marinate over can positively impact your score. This is NOT a race. Don’t rush over key moments or points of your speech. If this is a Debate Event (e.g. LD, Parli, WORLDS, etc) speed reading is counterintuitive for me. If I struggle to follow your arguments, it will negatively impact your score.
This is essentially my paradigm. If you can get me to be emotionally invested, you're doing good. If it makes sense, even better. Ethos is also important but not as much as the other too. Be respectful, on time, etc.
The only thing I can think to add is I love CONTRAST and silence. If you can do that well, you're probably going to win one way or another.
I am a parent judge who, a long time ago in high school, was a policy debater. I also competed in Speech events. I am a big fan of speech and debate. I have one year of judging experience of both Public Forum and Speech events.
Public Forum Debate: I enjoy hearing vigorous debates about a topic and encourage clear arguments and civil engagement. If you speak too fast or are uncivil you will loose me. In this virtual environment, some times technical issues may arise and I encourage everyone to have patience and keep your cool. I expect clear arguments and thoughtful questions cross-examination questions.
Hi, I am a parent judge. Speak clearly and at a "real life" normal speed, as if you were trying to convince your parents or friends of something that was important to you. Don't spread.
State clearly your value and value criteria at the beginning. Link your arguments back to value/criteria.
Please speak to the resolution. Do not run a topical cases, or theory/trick cases.
Please be aware that this is my first tournament judging. Please speak slowly and enunciate slowly (no spreading). Please "sign post" your arguments where possible. Please don't make progressive arguments since I won't be able to understand and hence not give them due credit. Please time your self and each other. Good luck!
Former debater in the JV/Open Policy Division for James Madison University, 2nd place finish at JV/Novice Nationals, 2-time VHSL State Qualifier, and former varsity PF captain for Harrisonburg High School.
Hell yes include me in the email chain:
If you guys have any questions after your round concerning the debate, please email me/ask me I’d be more than happy to answer anything debate-related and give you my view of the round (either why you won or lost).
I currently view debate as a game we play to critically test and challenge approaches to change the world for the better. If one side has successfully developed the debate with a clear argument and direction while refuting the other side and providing offense against the opposing team's args, they will win my ballot. If you’re putting in hard work debating, I’ll work hard in evaluating correctly with little intervention providing feedback for both sides on how you guys can be the best debaters with the experience I’ve had in your shoes. The relationship between debaters and judges is a two-way street, if you don’t give any effort/don’t care, I won’t care either.
Conduct- Don’t be a douchebag, I encourage aggressiveness in rounds and during cross-ex but you know when you’re being a douchebag, I will stop the debate and tell you if you are but you’ll already know it and you will be docked points. Any explicit language and disrespect, I’ll vote you down.
Time- You should keep track of your own prep time and opponent's speech times, prep ends when the document is saved. don’t go over your time.
Debate Preferences:
Clarity vs. Speed
I’m fine with speed if you’re good at spreading. AKA if I can’t understand you while you spread, you‘re not doing a good job. If you can spread while having clear and concise diction then feel free to but if you’re not a good enough speaker yet, don’t do it. Slow down on analytics, don’t speed through them because they will get lost.
For policy, I prefer one on one cross-ex’s if you want good speeks unless your partner is really struggling, like badly. Don’t be an a-hole and don’t talk over your opponents or even your partner, you’ll be docked points.
I’ve been a policy debater for most of my JMU debate career, so if you debate policy I have high expectations. Do warranted line-by-line analysis and have solid args starting with the basics. I really value top-level impact calc, and like love it, if you don’t address impact calc at all you will lose the round.
If you have a DA you need a rock-solid link and good uniqueness args. If you lose any of these it will be really hard for you to win any risk of the DA happening. Do impact calc and turns case args, I love offense for both sides.
Have a good perm other than that, I’m fine with generics but if you’re running an advantage cp then explain it thoroughly because I don’t run these often as a debater.
This is the side of the debate that I’m slowly getting into so don’t assume that I know everything but I do know a decent amount. I’m still catching up on lit but give short explanations and actually have an understanding of your literature but slow down on those analytics because I will admit I can get lost in the sauce. Love a good alt debate, I prefer alts that actually do something but if you flesh it out it’ll make it easier for me to analyze the round. Have a rock-solid link, and try and make them specific to the AFF, if you don’t talk about the AFF at all and conceptualize the link to the AFF, you haven’t done an excellent job. Do something, some analysis. The NEG still needs to win why the AFF/links create uniqueness for the impact.
Not a big T expert, so the explanation is key. Honestly, provide a coherent view of what the topic would look like without the limit that you set on it versus what the AFF justifies when you are impacting the T debate. That could include a case list that they justify that explodes research burdens or specific ground loss. You do not have to win in round abuse, I’ll judge that for myself. Impact it out well and you should be good. Again, analyze the other team's evidence and make smart args against it.
Dropped theory arguments are so easy to vote on, it's lazy but I can’t resist so don’t drop them. Provide a reason why the abuse outweighs any other possible impact and make it a big deal. Just don’t blaze through it and expect to win even if it was dropped.
University of Central Florida Alumnus
Four years of LD for Fort Lauderdale HS and former policy debater for UCF.
Pronouns: he/him/his
***Avoid graphic explanations of gratuitous anti-black violence and refrain from reading radical Black positions if you are not Black.***
If you're rushing to do prefs here's a rough cheat sheet:
1- K and performance debates
2- framework debates, general topical debates
3- LARP debates and util debates
4- Theory/ Tricks debates
I will evaluate any argument so long as they are not morally repugnant, actively violent, or deeply rooted in foolishness. I can handle speed but please go slower than you usually do for tags. Also, be sure to properly extend and impact out your arguments in the debate as well, saying "extend X" and moving on doesn't really do much. In short, tell me why your arguments matter and why I should vote on/evaluate them. At the end of the day do what you do best—unless it's tricks and/or frivolous interps (unless explained extremely well)— and have fun doing it.
As a returning judge, I have been trained in traditional LD - not progressive , please be aware when running your case, for flow, speed must be manageable, if you go too fast, those cards are dropped. Please note these two requests, control your speed and traditionally trained. Your V and VC need to win out! Also, PLEASE INTRODUCE YOURSELVES BEFORE THE ROUND, Thank you!
Pronouns: (she/her)
I have done no topic research. Assume I know nothing
I debated PF for 4 years
If you want me to vote on it, it needs to be in the summary and the final focus
Please don’t just yell cards at me. Some analysis please
If there’s an evidence misconduct problem, I’d rather you point out the issues with your opponent’s interpretation of evidence during your speeches, but I’ll call for a card if you tell me to.
Any concessions in cross need to be in a speech for me to flow it
- Don't Spread at me. If I need a case doc to follow you, it's too fast.
- I'm not flowing anything after the 10-second grace period
I am a parent judge from a school that practices traditional debate.
I do not like excessive speed and would prefer a high quality argument over high quantity.
I prefer you time yourself so I can take notes. I will set a final timer that we can all hear, but noting it here so no one is surprised.
I would prefer less theory. Present your arguments and why they are strong in a logical and articulate manner. Please have citations available if they are requested.
Please be respectful: no racial slurs, homophobia, transphobia, islamophobia etc will be tolerated.
And most important: if you are enjoying yourself, it will come across, so remember to have fun!
Parent judge with history of participating in high school debates from last 1 year. I have judged a few LD competitions in the past year. I prefer that you speak slowly and clearly.
Parent judge with no history of participating in high school debates as a student. I have judged LD competitions for the past 3 years. I prefer that you speak slowly and clearly.
LD and PF: Although I list myself as "Traditional," I am open to different arguments as long as they are explained well and related to the resolution. I believe that we are debating the resolution, not fixing society's ills. Yes debate will enable us to fix society's ills but a competition round is not where that will occur. Debate theory can be interesting to judge, but again, needs to still be connected to the resolution. Also, be sure that the theory you're arguing is correct and logical. In terms of speed, to me it's not speed it's clarity. If you are going 97 miles per hour and have to constantly repeat yourself because you trip over words, maybe going 60 is better.
Congress: As a scorer or Parli, I look for good speeches with good evidence and analysis, but also continuous participation. I believe Congress is an overall package, including activity with questioning, motions and amendments. PO's should be able to move the chamber along smoothly, and fairly. However, they must also recognize that sometimes this may be a new experience for someone in the chamber, and be sure that everyone understands how the PO is maneuvering the chambers, not just assume that it's just standard operating procedure for everyone. Be good to each other and you will often stand out from the competition.
Ian Lowery (also goes by "Izzy" and/or "Bishop"),
Assistant Director of Debate at George Mason University (2022 - Present).
Former Policy Debater at George Mason University (2014 - 2018).
Former Assistant Coach at James Madison University (2020 - 2022).
Former Head Coach of Speech & Debate at Centreville High School (2018-2019)
Top Level: I believe that my role as the judge is to absorb the information provided within the round and decide who wins based on the debater's ability to explain and defend their positions. Do whatever you were going to do before you saw my name on the pairing. Treat the following as proclivities that may make my decision easier or increase your speaker points.
I mostly ran kritical arguments during my time as a debater. In my earlier years I did traditional policy but most of my best experience is with the K.
Tech over Truth - I believe in voting on the flow, and unless I am more than 95% sure that a statement or argument is universally false, it can be debated and proven true on the flow. Beyond that, I will still try to be unbiased in my evaluation the argument, but you're rolling the dice.
I will evaluate arguments which suggest that I should not flow or not decide the round based on traditional policy argumentation standards - but I need to be given a clear alternative method of evaluating the truth-value of competing arguments. Otherwise, I don't see how I won't just end up voting for whoever I think was more technical or voting for whichever team I vibed with more (which might be the point... I guess. But trying to predict my vibes without knowing me very well is a dangerous game imo).
Conduct - Don't be a jerk. It's aight to be aggressive, if there's a point/reason behind it. At it's core, I think debate is a game, so everyone should have fun.
Time - I don't keep track of time well in my personal life or in debates. Please don't rely on me for that. Keep track of your own and your opponent's time.
E-mail - ONLY for College Policy
If you have any questions, feel free to email me.
PARADIGM: Lincoln/Douglas
"Traditional" parent judge.
GOOD: You pick a few compelling points; thread them together rhetorically; respond in the moment to challenges; and thereby formulate an argument. Your even pacing and signposting demonstrate organization, clarity, and the understanding that your case and rebuttals must be compelling to the judge; not merely to you or your competitor.
BAD: Disregard for history. Remember, LD is named after two giants of American rhetorical practice, who squared off in a series of values-based debates on the most divisive issue of their time. Those debates occurred in the public square, with the intent of compelling voters to adopt a cause. Lincoln did not use K's. Douglas did not use Progressive Theory Arguments. And neither of them spreaded. (Speed-talkers in this event cannot or will not prioritize. Yes, you're operating within a time constraint. Use that not as an excuse to cram in more stuff and talk faster. Rather, use it to winnow out all but the most persuasive points.)
Good luck!
Simple Paradigm, I am a traditionalist when it comes to LD so I know, when judging on the circuit I will be blocked, but this is LD not Policy. Your Value should simply win out, and your VC needs to convince me that all those contentions and sub-points make sense. Please do your best not to speak too quickly. It's better for me to listen and concentrate on your subject matter instead of you trying to fit it all in. Try your best to avoid speed speaking. However, no stress. No need to impress. Be you and have fun :)
Oh wait, almost forgot, remember this is not policy!
I appreciate that there is a certain speed to PFD, but that being said, there is some element of communication that gets lost with a mile a minute spreading, especially if your opponent can't handle the same pace. If you go too fast and I cannot flow then you drop those contentions and evidence.
Simple Paradigm, I am a traditionalist when it comes to LD so I know, when judging on the circuit I will be blocked, but this is LD not policy.
So with that is mind, life is simple, right? Your value should simply win out and your VC better convince me that all those contentions and sub-points make sense, especially since your slowed down so I can hear you clearly. :-) Yes, I like smiley faces, life is fun, take a step back and enjoy it!
and remember, this is not policy!
Hey y'all, my name is Colin, I did traditional ld for 4 years in high school and now attend Duke.
Please no progressive arguments or spreading, I will drop you. Keep the jargon to a minumum. I don't know what a counterplan is.
I highly prefer debaters who speak at a slow conversational and clear pace.
I also like to see more original analysis and voter issues.
I didn't flow as a competitor and I won't start now.
Please be respectful to each other in the round and remember to have fun.
If you have any other questions feel free to ask in the round.