Peach State Classic
2020 — NSDA Campus, GA/US
Novice Public Forum Paradigm List
All Paradigms: Show HideI debate Public Forum so i understand the rules of debate just fine. I will judge in a mix of lay and tech. This means I'll focus on the arguments but nothing that goes too far in terms of violating PF rules. I won't do any analyses for you: make it obvious for. Any argument I vote on will the ones most well developed and frontlined throughout the round.
I am the dad of a third year debater. I do flow your arguments, but speak at a rate that I am able to understand - do not spread. Please be civil during your round; your speaker points will be heavily impacted if you talk over your opponents in crossfire. Do not use overly technical debate jargon or read arguments that I will not know how to evaluate (theory, K's, etc.). All of your evidence should accurately represent what you say it does.
Clean extensions and telling me how I should weigh the round will be the easiest way to win my ballot. I will vote on the narrative that is best-explained throughout the debate.
I'm a 4th-year varsity debater at Sequoyah High School
*Please show up to your round on time*
How I will evaluate the debate/general thoughts:
You can go as fast as you want, but please don't spread. And one tip I will give: don't sacrifice clarity for speed (I can't flow what I can't understand)
Please extend all of your arguments
Weigh arguments and use ballot directing language - you can do this with an overview in the last speech that tells me how you win or with voters; I don't care.
Both carded evidence and logic rebuttals are good.
If you can, please number your responses to arguments so I know if I missed anything
You can be aggressive; please don't be rude (Rudeness = lower speaks)
Overall I will not flow cross, so if you make a good point that you believe should be on the flow, make sure to bring it up in your following speech.
Speaker points and RDF:
As for speaker points, as long as you speak clearly and know your evidence, you should be fine; adding any puns or references from marvel or star wars will boost your speaker points. Or you can follow me at Mg_haggerty on Instagram and send me your favorite meme!
I will try to disclose and give you a detailed RDF
If you have any questions at all, you can ask me in round or email me at
Have a good time and good luck debating
Hi! I'm happy to see all of you debate today!
I've been debating PF for two years and LD for two now:)
I'm perfectly okay with speed as long as you don't spread. (If you go to fast though, I will raise my hand once but if it doesn't stop I will stop flowing)
I do not flow cross but I listen to it for your speaks as well as if info pops up later in the debate. I personally appreciate aggression but NO personal attacks! Stand for individual crosses, sit for grand. (Not necessary anymore but camera's on is appreciated)
It's obvious but don't mention knew info in final focus. Not only is that unfair but it'll count against your speaks.
I really appreciate an off time road map, it helps me keep track of how I'll be flowing the speech. If your speech in unorganized, don't be mad if I miss something :,(
DON'T ASK ABOUT STUFF IN MY PARADIGM!!! I expect you to have already read it and it's frustrating.
MY BIGGEST RULE! I'm here for a good debate, don't waste my time. Your voice, aggression, and speeches affect EVERYTHING, even how you hold yourself during the round.
I will remain mostly silent unless I ask for clarification on something. Don't act like you're "arguing" with the other team. You're debating, not fighting. You're trying to convince me, not them.
Most importantly, have fun! I'm not too picky for the most part. Whether this is your first debate or last, I'll give everyone a fair chance and can't wait to see what happens.
This topic:
I have done no research whatsoever on this topic so what you say is fact. That being said, if something sounds weird I will ask for a card check and that can sway my opinion. I have no opinion on it so like... get it I guess :>
Who am I?
aww you’re reading this! How sweet! This is my last year debating in high school. I’m Houston County’s debate Captain and live for LD and marching band where I play bass 1 and am section leader. If you meet one of my fellow judges or team mates, say hi for me!
Since you read all the way down here, I’ll tell you the easiest way to get a perfect 30 for me! Be the first team in the round to creatively mention a fact about me! Anything from The Who I am section!
I was a 4-year debater at Carrollton High School and I have only judged and competed in Public Forum.
my email is if you have any questions after the round.
1) tech > truth
2) Do not bring up any new arguments from the second summary onwards
3) No racist or sexist remarks
4) I am not your person for theory at all
If you have any questions let me know
Hey, I'm Alec. I debated Public Forum for Carrollton High School and now I attend UGA
Email: (please add me to the email chain)
I never really know how to structure my preferences, so here's a basic rundown of what I like to see:
1) Tech > Truth. Everything you want me to vote on needs to be really well warranted in every speech though.
2) Spend time engaging in arguments constructively. Good logic beats bad evidence every time.
3)Please collapse as the round progresses.I am a huge believer that one or two really well warranted arguments are better than a bunch of unwarranted ones.
4) Weigh consistently, direct comparison of links will take you far. As a judge, I want to intervene as little as possible. The earlier you start weighing, the better.
5)Meta-weighing is important! If you are using different weighing mechanisms than your opponents, you should be weighing those too.
6) I can handle speed, just make sure you're not sacrificing clarity.
7) I have really low threshold for theory, but that doesn't mean I won't vote for it. If you are keeping an abusive practice in check, go for it. However, if you are running theory against a team that has no threshold for it, that can be equally abusive in my eyes.
Other than that, you do you. There is not one right style of debate, and I don't want to make you fit into one.
I hope this goes without saying, but please be respectful to your opponents. Debate is such a cool educational tool, and I hate it when people are discouraged from using it. If you are being blatantly disrespectful, I'll drop you.
I am a PF judge for Fort Atkinson, although I have judged policy in the past. I judged policy from a traditional policy-maker position and tend to prefer cases that are on-topic and had a course of action that I could take. While we are not looking for a plan from Public Forum debaters, arguing the topic directly plays right into my preferences, so it will be tough for PF debaters to go wrong with me.
Speed should not be an issue for public forum debaters, however I know that some students compete in several formats. Having judged policy in the past, I am comfortable with a novice-to-varsity level of speed, however, if I think that you are speaking too quickly for a public forum setting, I will say "clear" up to 3 times. If you speed up again, I will merely start to take off speaker points. If you are speaking so quickly that I cannot flow the debate (which should never happen in PF; this isn't policy!), that will simply be to the detriment of your case. I will not judge what I cannot flow.
I judge primarily base on the arguments/analytics that are presented in the round. I feel that speaker points are best suited to reward debaters for style. In other words, while arguments, facts, and logical deductions are the bread and butter of any debate, if you make it look good or convince me that you know your case backward and forward, that will be reflected in speaker points.
If you are arguing from a moral high ground, please be sure to emphasize that I should be considering moral obligations before considering other aspects (such as utilitarianism) and why. For example, I need something in your arguments telling me why I should value human lives above, say, dollars and cents, but from there on, this can be referred back to as a moral imperative without having to re-argue the original moral argument. Just be sure to include something in your summary or final focus that mentions that I should vote based on moral obligation above all other considerations.
When you are wrapping up the debate, please indicate clearly which arguments you think are the most important for me to consider and why. If there are flaws in the opposing argument, or if you want to toss some analytics, I am fine with this. Analytics are the application of logic to draw a conclusion based on the evidence at hand and they indicate to me that you've been seriously considering the side of the argument that you are presenting.
On my ballot, I try to indicate areas of improvement for everyone along with what was done well. If I indicate a mispronunciation, it is only to improve your debate for the next round, not to embarrass you. While a large vocabulary is desirable, nobody can claim to be perfectly familiar with every single word. English is far too large of a language and it can be terribly inconsistent.
You should also know that I am an Air Force Brat. I grew up on an Air Force Base, near a naval station, that housed Navy personnel and Marines. I am familiar with military equipment of various kinds, how they function, and the role they play in current and past military strategies. Tactical maneuvering for military and political advantage are not unknown to me and I have a good grasp of recent conflicts and their history. Please don't quote conflicts and dates unless you are certain because I will not find it convincing if it's incorrect.