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Fri September 18, 2020 at 5:45 AM PST
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I debated LD for four years at Northwood HS. I consider myself a flay (flow lay) debater, but I have debated on the circuit a couple times and have an understanding of T, Ks, theory, etc. (would still prefer if you don't read those args).
We're online this year and my Wifi sucks -- please slow down. Efficiency is key. Get across your ideas in a concise manner, rather than using fillers such as "in the overview, we talked about" or "my opponent said [repeating their entire argument] and my response is X." I know what your opponent's argument was, just give me a brief tag.
Policy - Yes! For DA, contextualize all links to the aff. Don't blindly read the same link every round -- tell me why your opponent links. For the aff, good line-by-line is key. I don't like generic cards that answer the "idea" of the DA rather than your opponent's specific args.
T - Only if necessary. Nebel T is dumb for the most part, unless you genuinely believe their interp is abusive. Don't use T as a time suck -- it's obvious when your opponent doesn't violate the interp and you're just stalling. Default to competing interps, no RVIs, drop the debater.
K - Basic/popular ones are fine (i.e. cap, security). Not super experienced with K affs and I'm inclined to vote neg on fairness (provided they read framework).
Theory - Preferably not. Condo and PICs bad is fine, but friv theory is a no. Default to same positions as T, but drop the arg on PICs.
Tricks - No.
I'm not super picky. Just make good arguments instead of trying to trip up your opponent with tricks (I mean being tricky, not the debate arg which I also hate). I will lower your speaks and most likely vote you down.
Good luck!