NSDA Middle School Speech Challenge

2020 — Online, US

Dates & Deadlines

Important Middle School Dates (updated 4/19/20)

  • All registration materials and payment are due May 15. This includes: 
    • Entries. No name changes or adds will be permitted after May 15. TBA entries will be dropped.
    • Payment. Entry drops after May 15 will not be refunded. Payment may be done by credit card online or via check postmarked by 5/15.
    • Judges. No judge swaps will be permitted after May 15.
    • Media release/parental consent forms. These must be signed by each student's parent/guardian.
    • Entry agreement forms. This form must be signed by the school's principal, coach, and supervising adult.
    • T-shirts must be ordered and paid for by May 15.
    • Judge conflicts
    • Piece info. Title, author, and ISBN info for Interp events, title for Dec, title and topic for OO and INFO must be posted by May 15.
  • Any information missing after May 15 risks forfeiture of your entry.
  • Registered students may practice recording and submit their speech through the Classrooms.cloud system between May 26 and June 4. Any entries without a submitted recording after this window will be dropped from the tournament, and entry fees will not be refunded.
  • Judges will be assigned a series of preliminary rounds to judge, and all judging must be completed between June 8 and June 12.