Florida Blue Key
2019 — Gainesville, FL/US
Award Information
Awards will take place at approximately 4:00pm at the J. Wayne Reitz Union in the Grand Ballroom. Competitors will be recognized at awards if they qualified to the Octofinal round or higher in Speech events. Competitors will be recognized if they are a “top speaker.” “semi-finalist,” “finalist,” or “champion” in Debate events. All other debate award qualifiers will be recognized in round.
Competitors will not receive awards if their schools have any outstanding judge fines from missed judge calls. Schools will be notified prior to awards if this applies to their students.
We will do our best to mail awards, however, schools will be billed for any mailing costs associated with the mailing of awards. If you will need to have your trophies mailed, you must notify the Florida Blue Key staff at registration. Awards will be donated for repurposing on November 15, so you must notify us at chair@fbkdebate.org if you are missing any awards promptly. We will accept no requests for missing awards after November 18.