GDSDA1 Foothill HS
2019 — Henderson, NV/US
Congress Docket
A Resolution to Better Define the Term “Emergency” for the Scope of Executive National Emergency Powers
1. WHEREAS, The executive branch has the power to declare a
2. state of national emergency; and
3. WHEREAS, This allows the executive branch broad powers
4. that supercede the designated powers intended to the branch; and
5. WHEREAS, Improper use of these emergency powers allows an
6. opportunity of Constitutional overreach; and
7. WHEREAS, Ensuring the checks and balances of our nation’s
8. Constitution is an important role of the legislative branch; now,
9. Therefore, be it
10. RESOLVED, That the Student Congress here assembled better
11. define the scope of the term “emergency” for these executive
12. powers.
A Bill to Prohibit the Transfer of Firearms between Unlicensed Private Sellers
SECTION 1. An unlicensed individual may not transfer a firearm to another unlicensed individual residing in the same State.
SECTION 2. Regardless of the purpose of the transfer (e.g. gift, trade, loan, sale, ownership, etc.), this restriction applies to all types of firearms.
SECTION 3. An unlicensed individual may complete a transfer to another unlicensed person through the following procedure:
1. The unlicensed individual transfers the firearm to a Federal Firearms Licensee (FFL) located in the State of the person receiving the firearm.
2. The FFL will be responsible for the lawful transfer the firearm to the unlicensed recipient
3. The FFL will be responsible for conducting a background check on the person acquiring the firearm.
SECTION 3. Regulation of a muzzle loading weapon that meets the definition of an “antique firearm” is not changed under this bill.
SECTION 4. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives shall be charged with the enforcement of this legislation
SECTION 5. This legislation will go into effect by fiscal year 2020.
SECTION 6. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.
A Bill to Revise the Definition for Monopolies in a Technological Age
- Section 1. In order to better represent a technological era in business, a monopoly will
- henceforth be defined as one parent company or company exceeding 60% of one
- industry’s market share.
- Section 2. Market share will be defined as the percentage of product consumed by patrons in a specific field of similar competitors and products. Parent companies will determine the amount of market share held based on the total amount of market share all subsidiary companies have combined.
- Section 3. The Federal Trade Commission will be in charge of ensuring this bill’s enforcement.
- Section 4. This bill will go into effect 180 days after passing.
- Section 5. All laws in conflict with this piece of legislation are hereby declared null and void.
A Bill to Regulate Big Business in the Technology Sector
SECTION 1. Any company with global revenue over $25 billion that also offers an online marketplace with third-party vendors would be designated as a “platform utility” and barred from participating on its own platform.
SECTION 2. “Online marketplace” is defined as an e-commerce site where product or service information is provided by multiple third parties, whereas transactions are processed by the marketplace operator.
“Participating” is defined as selling products or information.
SECTION 3. The Federal Trade Commission and the U.S. Department of Justice shall oversee the enforcement and compliance of this bill.
A. Federal regulators, State Attorneys General, or injured private parties can sue a platform utility that violates these requirements and to be paid for losses and damages.
B. Any company found to violate these requirements must pay a fine of 5 percent of annual revenue.
SECTION 4. This bill shall be implemented immediately upon passage.
SECTION 5. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.
A Resolution to Reduce Foreign Aid
WHEREAS, Foreign aid, which refers to any assistance (monetary, military, humanitarian, etc.) given by the United States to foreign nations, has become an insurmountable if not corrosive element to sustaining global geopolitical influence and harmony; and
WHEREAS, Calamitous military conflicts in nations such as Yemen, Iraq, and Israel are intricately tied to the abundance of foreign military aid supplied by the United States to authoritarian regimes or similarly oppressive governments; and
WHEREAS, the aid supplied to countries in South Africa or Central America, among other regions, to develop local economies has failed to instigate growth and in many instances has spurred considerable stagnation of countries’ domestic markets, forcing continuous dependence on US foreign assistance; and
WHEREAS, the deleterious impacts of excessive assistance to combative or undeserving foreign entities frequently trump domestic prosperity as well as the general welfare as a whole; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, that the United States should make the following recommendation to significantly reevaluate issuing aid to foreign nations with an emphasis on abuses and/or failure to demonstrate a willingness to function without assistance; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that all foreign aid should be reduced by 50% by the 2024 fiscal year.
A Bill to Divide the Clark County School District
1 Be it enacted by the Student Congress here assembled that:
2 Section 1. Clark County School District will be separated into two public school
3 districts that divide eastern and western Las Vegas.
4 Section 2. A performance zone shall be defined as a specific zoning area.
5 A. Eastern Las Vegas shall be defined as the area encompassing the current CCSD
6 performance zones 2, 5,6,7,8,9, and 10.
7 B. Western Las Vegas shall be defined as the area encompassing the current CCSD
8 performance zones 1, 3, 4, 11, 12, and 13.
9 Section 3. Current zoning will not be overturned, only the school district to which
10 each zoning area applies.
11 Section 4. This bill will go into effect at the beginning of the 2021-2022 school year.
Section 5. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.
A Bill to Improve E-Verify to Deter Illegal Immigration
SECTION 1. $75 million shall be allocated annually to the research, development, and promotion of the E-Verify employee eligibility system.
A. ​This money shall be taken appropriated from the Department of Homeland Security budget at the start of Fiscal Year (FY) 2021.
SECTION 2. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) shall oversee the implementation of this legislation.
A. To ensure the consistent utilization of DHS funds, Congress shall require that the Director and the Secretary of the DHS annually publish a joint report regarding the development of E-Verify on the first day of every subsequent year following passage, at which point Congress may determine if such funds are necessary to the improvement of the employee eligibility system.
SECTION 3. This legislation shall go into effect fiscal year (FY) 2021.
SECTION 4. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.
Sec 1
1. Immigrants applying for citizenship from countries in which we are
2. in trade agreements, unions, or alliances, that pose no terroristic threat,
3. have a reformed acceptance process.
Sec 2
5. All illegals who are currently in America, that have a job and no criminal
6. background be granted citizenship and will be exempt from deportation
7. during the citizenship process
Sec 3
8. Minors or DACA recipients will also be granted citizenship regardless of
9. job status, as long as they are actively pursuing education.
10. Let “pursuing education” be defined as actively attending primary,
11. intermediate or secondary school with no truancy reports, or any
12. person attending a post-secondary school.
Sec 4
13. Any illegals with felonies will be immediately reported and deported
14. regardless of age. Those with misdemeanor crimes may be overlooked
15. if the immigrant has not committed any crimes within the last ten years, or
16. it was a one time crime with no recurrences.
17. Let misdemeanors crimes be defined as a minor crime punishable by a
18. fine or short jail time.
Sec 5
19. All laws in conflict with this bill are hereby null & void.
A Bill To Reduce Adolescent Drug Use
2 SECTION 1: To combat drug-related deaths in a vulnerable population, this Congress
3 shall act to protect and divert the nation’s homeless and abandoned youth
4 from harmful substances. This Congress shall do so by providing stability
5 to these youth, through the establishment of cost-reduced single-tenant
6 housing for homeless and abandoned youth. Rent anywhere in the United
7 States for applicable youth shall cost exactly 60 USD per month.
8 SECTION 2: Let the following terms be defined:
9 homeless and abandoned youth:
10 a) must satisfy either of the definitions set in NRS 432B.140 or the
11 Runaway and Homeless Youth Act(2018).
12 and
13 b) must be between 12 and 17 years of age.
14 single-tenant housing: a single room that includes a desk and chair
15 set, a twin bed, a bathroom with a shower, a standard-issue toilet, and a
16 sink fitted into a sink vanity. Dimensions of the room must be in the range
17 120 ft² - 180 ft².
18 SECTION 3: The Senate Committee for H.E.L.P.(Health, Education, Labor, and
19 Pensions) shall be tasked with appropriating the money needed to fully
20 enforce this bill.
21 SECTION 4: This bill shall be implemented in full by November 15, 2019.
22 SECTION 5: All laws in violation of this piece of legislation are hereby declared null
23 and void.
A Bill to Reform Federal Aid for College Students
SECTION 1. The Federal Student Aid program (FSA) is hereby defunded. In its place, private banks shall be recruited by the Department of Education (ED) to fulfill the FSA’s duties and shift student aid completely to the private sector.
SECTION 2. The ED shall allocate $10 million of the FSA’s budget to the Office of Finance and Operations annually to enforce the financial aid rules and regulations required by the Higher Education Act of 1965 and manage the outstanding federal student loan portfolio. Any remaining funds shall be given to private banks to ensure the successful transition to privatization.
SECTION 3. The ED shall enforce the implementation of this legislation.
SECTION 4. This bill shall go into effect fiscal year (FY) 2022.
SECTION 5. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.
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