Isidore Newman School Invitational
2019 — New Orleans, LA/US
Hotel Information
Hampton Inn Convention Center - a large block of rooms has been arranged at this hotel for a phenomenal rate of $129 per room. The regular rooms are king rooms or rooms with two double beds. They may have suites available that sleep up to 6. Call directly to inquire. Parking may cost extra. The hotel is across the street from the Convention Center, just blocks from restaurants in the Warehouse District and a lengthy walk to the French Quarter. 15-20 minutes from Newman by car. Use the link:
Hampton Inn Convention Center Hotel Reservation Link
You may also call 504-566-9990 and request group code "Newman Debate 2019", especially if you are interested in the suites that sleep 6. Unused rooms under the block will be released on November 12.
Although every major hotel chain has a property near the airport (for those that plan to fly), we do not recommend staying near the airport. It is approximately 30-40 minutes from the airport to Uptown New Orleans on a day with little to no traffic. If you wish to stay at another property besides the one listed above, we recommend hotels in Uptown, Garden District, Warehouse District, or French Quarter - all should be within 10-25 minutes of Newman.
We recommend that you book rooms early! In addition to other events and conventions, New Orleans will be hosting the State Football Championship Games on December 13-14.