Duke Invitational

2019 — Durham, NC, NC/US

Congress Schedule


Congress Information 


Each Session (Preliminary and Finals) will be themed.  Three to four pieces of legislation will be available for each session. Only the legislation for that session may be debated.  The chamber may order the bills however they choose.  No new legislation may be brought to the floor.  No authorships exist on the legislation; instead, only sponsorships will be heard on legislation.

There will be a single, open division of Congressional Debate. Chambers will be composed of no more than 20 members, although 18 is the target. Competition will feature two preliminary sessions that are 2.5 hours long. We will clear to one Final Round chamber that will last 2.5 hours.  All chambers will be designated as a Senate, and will feature direct questioning. This event will follow NSDA rules.

Legislation will be posted prior to September 14th, 2019.



Saturday, January 19th, 2019

9:00AM - Preliminary Session 1 

12:00PM - Preliminary Session 2 

3:00PM - Final Session

6:00PM - Awards