1st and 2nd Year National Championships at Woodward Academy

2019 — College Park, GA/US

Internet Access

When you're on the Woodward campus:

1. Connect your device to the "Woodward WiFi" wireless network and open a web browser. Use Safari if on iOS/Mac. 

2. If you are not automatically redirected to the login page, navigate to wifi.woodward.edu.

3. Choose "Guests & Visitors," click the button for "I already have a verification code," and enter the Debate Verification Code: debate2019.

A walkthrough with screenshots is available here


OR — if this doesn't work: 

1. Connect your device to the "Woodward WiFi" wireless network and open a web browser. Use Safari if on iOS/Mac. 

2. If you are not automatically redirected to the login page, navigate to wifi.woodward.edu.

3. Choose "Employees & Students" and use the username apinstitute and the password apinstitute.  


On Sunday at the Marriott, the conference rooms have a free/open wi-fi network. We will share instructions (if necessary) on Sunday morning.