Bentonville Wild West Invitational

2017 — Bentonville, AR/US

Debate Topics

Bentonville West Debate Topics

Big Questions:

Resolved: Humans are fundamentally different from other animals.

Congressional Debate:

Original bills may be submitted by emailing by Friday, October 27th at 4 pm.  Each school may submit up to three bills. If needed, we will supplement with the 2017 Fall TFA Docket.  The original bills will be released on Monday, October 30th. 

Policy Debate:

Resolved: The United States federal government should substantially increase its funding and/or regulation of elementary and/or secondary education in the United States.

Lincoln Douglas Debate:

Resolved: Wealthy nations have an obligation to provide development assistance to other nations.

Public Forum Debate:

Resolved: The United States should require universal background checks for all gun sales and transfer of ownership