Mid America Cup
2024 — Online, IA/US
Online Payment
Once again, we will be strictly enforcing the requirement that teams and students can only be let into the tournament once all fees are paid.
We can now accept payments to the Friends of Valley Debate through our high school’s fund-gathering site. Follow the directions below and you can pay fees for the Mid America Cup online.
A copy of the W9 for the Friends of Valley Debate is available on the front page of our Tabroom site.
Use this link:
You’ll be paying us via the "debate fundraiser" link.
In the NAME field, enter the school name and “Mid America Cup 2024.” Make sure to include the name of your school as you have entered it in your registration for the Mid America Cup.
Enter the amount you owe in the AMOUNT field, then click ADD TO CART. Then click on the CART link, then click PAY. Then, you know... pay.