Tournament of Champions
2024 — Lexington, KY/US
Event Helplines
Email Helpline: Please review all tournament documentation before submitting a help ticket and refrain from contacting tournament staff via their personal email or phone number. Any issues must be reported via the designated event helpline in order to receive a response!
Congressional Debate:
Extemp Prep:
Lincoln-Douglas Debate:
Policy Debate:
Public Forum Debate:
Speech Events:
World Schools Debate:
Email Subject: Please use the following email subjects, as applicable for your inquiry.
Missing Participant – Judge or competitor absent from round
Tab Issue – Any issues related to pairings, judges, e-ballots, etc.
Ombuds Issue – Procedural questions or concerns, including inquiries about filing a petition with the Ombuds Office
Equity Issue – Equity questions or concerns related to harassment and discrimination, including inquiries about filing a petition with the Equity Office
Email Content: Please include the following information in the body of your email.
Your Full Name
Your Phone Number
Your Competition Event
Your Institutional Affiliation
Your Role (e.g. Coach, Judge, Competitor)
Round + Flight (If Applicable) + Room Number
Brief Description of Issue(s)