2024 — Plano, TX/US

City Champs Service Project!

Speech & Debate is about more than just trophies. The best part of Speech & Debate is the community that we build.

To give back to our community this year, the City Champs Service Project is to collect donations for the Plano ISD Welcome & Enrollment Center's The Caring Place. The Caring Place provides food and clothing to Plano ISD families who are in immediate need and who are currently living in transition, due to hardship, natural disaster, fire, loss of housing, job loss, or an life-altering situation that may have occurred.

The items most need at The Caring Place right now include:

backpacks and school supplies

snack items like chips, goldfish, granola bars, gummies

We will have collection totes located outside the library to collect donated items!

The team that proportionally donates the most items (items to students ratio) will receive recognition at our awards ceremony!