Berkeley International Parliamentary Debate Invitational
2024 — NSDA Campus, CA/US
Round Rules
Except as otherwise noted, the tournament will use NPDL Round Rules. 20 minutes prep time, communications with partner only, Internet allowed.
Topic Strikes. For any round with three topics/motions, everyone should go to the round room at the "Topic" time listed in the schedule for topic strikes. After topics are released, the Opposition team will have one minute to strike a topic. Then the Government team will have one minute to strike a topic. The remaining topic will be debated. If a team does not arrive in the room by the deadline for striking a topic, the other team will choose the topic. The topic chosen and the round start time should then be noted in the chat, and prep time begins.
Sides. Sides will be assigned in preliminary rounds. Flip for sides in elimination rounds, unless the teams have met previously, in which case they will be side locked. Tabroom will handle flips, so check your tabroom email for a notification.
Points of Clarification
A. A Point of Clarification is a question that a member of the opposing team asks a debater giving a PMC or an LOC. The question shall aim to clarify the speaker's advocacy or interpretation of the resolution.
B. The speaker may not decline a Point of Clarification.
C. Speech time stops for Points of Clarification and resumes once they are answered.
Also, please note the NPDL evidence rule:
A. Debaters should primarily rely on logic and general knowledge.
B. Debaters should not cite published sources during the round. Judges should enforce this rule by giving a claim supported by a citation the same weight as they would give a claim not supported by a citation.