The Tradition

2023 — Weston, US

Congress-Finals Scenario

North Korea States Ownership of a New Weapon

For Immediate Release

(Washington D.C., United States)- Information regarding a new nuclear weapon has been confirmed by North Korea. The weapon is based on Project Pluto from the 1950s. The weapons can be easily mass produced and can emit radiation while in flight. A single flight can last for weeks on end putting countless at the risk of radiation. The weapon it-self can carry 26 small warheads, which can cause mass destruction on cities and endangered thousands of individuals who most likely would be unaware civilians. With the missile itself being a dangerous device, the addition of its function as a nuclear bomb would be catastrophic.

Scenario Update: Dec 2

Confirmed Testing of North Korea's New Weapon

For Immediate Release

(Washington D.C., United States) - Information regarding a test over the East China Sea has been confirmed. The new nuclear weapon has been fully tested and proven effective at a launch time of 1800 and detention at a time of 1810. The weapon has been produced and the amount of the weapon is known. The expulsion was measured hastily by satellites and was concluded to be a Weapon of mass destruction which if fired can cause the obliteration of any country or surrounding area. The fly time and distance has been calculated to be over 10,000 kilometers. Considering the immense chance of major causality, the President has begun preparing the military for a possible war or battle, especially troops located in South Korea or in countries nearby.

Scenario Update 3: Dec 2nd, Evening

North Korea Will Bomb South Korea Unless The United States of America removes all Troops

For Immediate Release

(Washington D.C., United States) -

North Korea has sent a message stating they will destroy South Korea with their new nuclear weapon unless The United States of America removes all troops from South Korea. The president urges congress to act in accordance with this learned news.

The latest press release has brought a new bill.

A Bill To Remove All troops From South Korea


2 SECTION 1. All troops will be removed from South Korea due to North Korea's threat 3 against South Korea after their new found 4 weapons.

5 SECTION 2. All troops shall be defined as any military agent under The United States of 6 America's armed forces, and shall include all personnel stationed in South Korea.

7 SECTION 3. The Department of Defense shall oversee the passage of this legislation.

8 SECTION 4.This bill will be implemented immediately.

9 SECTION 5. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.

Update for 2nd Session of Finals

A Bill to Aid South Korea


1 SECTION 1. The United States shall hereby loan and deliver $2 billion dollars worth of 2 military weaponry to South Korea. US troops 3 will be allotted as necessary to help ensure the proper delivery of the weaponry.

4 SECTION 2. Military weaponry shall consist of helicopters, short and long range atelier, 5 and assault rifles.

6 SECTION 3. The US Department of State and Department of Defense will be

7 responsible for the implementation and oversight of this bill.

8 SECTION 4. This legislation shall be implemented immediately upon passage.

9 SECTION 5. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and

10 void.