CBSR IE and LD 2
2023 — Ontario, CA/US
Patterns and Event Descriptions
CBSR Speech Patterns
All speech times are the maximum limit (there is no minimum), but each has a 30 second grace period. Unless noted, no notes, scripts, or props should be used.
Pattern A
LD - Lincoln Douglas: one-on-one debate on a preset resolution (never the Novice resolution).
IMP - Impromptu: a 5 minute original speech given 2 minutes after receiving the topic in the same room. Competitors may make notes during prep time - no notes are to be used during the speech.
HI - Humorous Interpretation: a 10 minute memorized humorous performance from a script (play, book, movie, etc.).
POI - Program Oral Interpretation: a 10 minute speech with two or more different selections from at least two different genres (poetry, play, book, or news article excerpts) that develop a theme. Script must be in a binder held by the student, which may be used as a propr, and may be read.
OO - Original Oratory: a 10 minute memorized persuasive speech, written by the contestant, on a societal issue.
OPP - Original Prose Poetry: a 10 minute memorized speech written by the contestant, in prose and/or poetry.
Pattern B
EXT - Extemporaneous Speaking: a 7 minute original speech based on a current event question given 30 minutes after receiving the question in a separate room. No notes should be used.
DI - Dramatic Interpretation: a 10 minute memorized serious performance from a script (play, book, movie, etc.).
DUO - Duo Interpretation: a 10 minute memorized performance (humorous, serious, or both) from a script (play, book, movie, etc.), delivered by two students, who do not touch or look at each other.
DEC - Declamation: a 10 minute memorized speech using the script from a public speech done by someone else.
INF - Informative: a 10 minute memorized speech, written by the contestant, that explains or teaches something. This is the ONLY speech in which props are acceptable (other than the binder in OPP).
OA - Original Advocacy: a 10 minute memorized persuasive speech, written by the contestant, that advocates a legal resolution to an issue or problem.