Irma Rangel YWLS DUDA TFA Qualifier

2023 — Dallas, TX/US

WS Debate Motions

WS Motions

R1 and 2 - opposite sides of the motion - This House opposes the use of public funds for school vouchers.

R3 - Impromptu

R4 - This House opposes lifetime appointments to the federal judiciary.

Quarters - This House supports the rise of unionization.

Semis - Impromptu

Finals - This House regrets the rise of citizen journalism.

Info Slide: Citizen journalism is citizen-based journalism where citizens play an active role in the process of collecting, reporting, analyzing and disseminating news and information. The underlying principle of citizen journalism is that ordinary people, not professional journalists, can be the lead authors and distributors or messages. In recent times, citizen journalism has become more possible thanks to the development of various online platforms.