2023 — Las Vegas, NV/US
How does this tournament work?
The purpose of this tournament is to provide an educational opportunity for both experienced and novice competitors.
On the "Shadow" day, Varsity and very experienced JV competitors will demonstrate their events. Competitors may enter one Debate event and up to two Speech events on Friday evening to demonstrate their skills for the novices. Novices will be able to pick one event per round to observe. If a room where they wish to observe has run out of chairs, they will need to find another round to spectate.
On the "Angel" day, Novices will compete. They may choose one debate event for the morning and up to two Speech events for the afternoon, or choose to compete in just one half of the day. Varsity and very experienced JV competitors will have the opportunity to judge and "Angel," aka assist, the novices while they compete.
We will need adult judges for the rounds on Friday. New adult judges will have the opportunity to participate in judge training and shadow an experienced judge. Adult judges are also encouraged to attend on Saturday and learn more alongside the Varsity/JV competitors.