Montana West District Tournament
2023 — MT/US
Montana West District Qualifier
for the 2023 National Tournament
Belonging & Inclusion Station Info
Hello coaches and students!
My name is Jen Hermanson. I am head coach at Helena High school, I serve on the NSDA committee and I am your MT West Belonging and Inclusion Advocate (BIA). The 2023 Montana West NSDA Qualifying Tournament is committed to providing a safer and more equitable speech and debate competition. In order to do so, we ask that all attendees be aware of and follow our harassment and discrimination policy.
The National Speech & Debate Association is committed to providing its participants, judges, coaches, and staff the opportunity to pursue excellence in their endeavors. This opportunity can exist only when each member of our community is assured an atmosphere of mutual respect. The NSDA prohibits all forms of harassment and discrimination. Accordingly, all forms of harassment and discrimination, whether written or oral, based on race, color, religion, sex, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, marital status, citizenship, national origin, age, disability, genetic information, or any other characteristic protected by any applicable federal, state, or local law are prohibited, whether committed by participants, judges, coaches, or observers. Individuals who are found to have violated this policy will be subject to the full range of sanctions, up to and including removal from the tournament premises.
As your NSDA-Certified Belonging and Inclusion Advocate, I will be available throughout the tournament in the BIS (Belonging and Inclusion Station) in the Tab Room. The BIS provides the first point of contact for attendees with inquiries related to harassment and discrimination at the tournament. If you have a concern about how people are treating you that you want to make known to the Tournament and, if appropriate, legal authorities, or you have witnessed behavior that is inconsistent with NSDA’s Harassment and Discrimination Policy, please visit the Belonging and Inclusion Station (the BIS) in the tab room or fill out an intake form online at:
On the linked form, you will provide your information and describe the incident. We are committed to accessibility so if you prefer, you may also go to the tab room and ask to see me (the BIA) and we will discuss your concern verbally.
Whether reporting via the intake form or verbally, we will discuss the grievance informally. Then in turn, I will look into the complaint, and determine next steps, as well as repercussions, if needed.
The BIS is a resource to help ensure a safe and equitable experience for all. We are here for you, please do not hesitate to contact the BIS if you have a concern or complaint.
- - Jen Hermanson, MT West Belonging & Inclusion Advocate.