Pittsburgh CFL Diocesan Qualifiers

2023 — Pittsburgh, PA/US

Double Entry Letter of Intent

Any student who double enters in a speech event at CFL qualifiers must print, complete, and return this form to Beth Young BEFORE rounds begin on the Saturday of qualifiers.


NOTE: Students may enter only one event at the National Tournament. Therefore, students must establish
(prior to entering a second event at the district tournament) which event they prefer to attend at the
National Tournament, should the student qualify in more than one event. This form MUST be completed
PRIOR to the beginning of the district tournament date in which a student potentially double qualifies.
Failure to produce this signed form will result in disqualification from the tournament or denial of double
entry. The following scenarios necessitate completion of this form to determine qualification preference:
• The student has been entered in one or two solo speech events.
• If two or more students qualify in Duo and a solo event, the student must attend Nationals in Duo
unless all students qualify in each of their respective solo events.

STUDENT NAME: ________________________________________________________
SCHOOL: _______________________________________________________________
1st Choice Event:
 Declamation
 Dramatic Performance
 Duo
 E xtemp
 Oral Interpretation of Literature
 Original Oratory

2nd Choice Event:
 Declamation
 Dramatic Performance
 Duo
 Extemp
 Oral Interpretation of Literature
 Original Oratory

We have discussed these preferences and indicate that the student accepts the
choice(s) designated above as irrevocable (sign below):
COACH SIGNATURE: _______________________________________ DATE: __________

STUDENT SIGNATURE: _____________________________________ DATE: __________

PARENT SIGNATURE: ______________________________________ DATE: __________