NYDL January

2023 — Eastchester, NY/US

Motion balance report

If a motion were perfectly balanced, we would expect a 50% prop win rate. However, apparent balance or imbalance can reflect random chance; for example if three strongest teams end up on the same side of a motion--which happens on average once per tournament--then they will skew the win rate for whichever side they are on. Such coincidences have more influence over motions that are debated fewer times.

This random variation is reflected by the p-value. Lower p-values mean the result is less likely to be a coincidence. P-values below 5% are generally considered "statistically significant", although this threshold is arbitrary.

Motion Prop wins Out of Prop win rate p-value
Parents should be able to control the curricular content of their children's schools. 22 54 40.74% 5.43%
Streaming services are bad for music. 21 38 55.26% 35.88%
The United States should implement a flat tax. 10 16 62.50% 15.73%